



  画蛇添足是什么生肖——答案:龙,   画蛇添足   huà shé tiān zú   【解释】画蛇时给蛇添上脚、比喻做了多余的事!非但无益,反而不合适。也比喻虚构事实。无中生有,   【7785出处】《战国策·齐策二》:“蛇固无足,子安能为之足,” 明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第一百十回:“将军功绩已成!威声大震。可以止矣。今若前进。倘不如意、正如‘画蛇添足’也,”,   【结构】连动式、   【用法】用来形容不应该做的多余的事、含贬义,一般作宾语、   【正音】添。不能读作“tiǎn”!   【辨形】添?不能写作“填”、   【近义词】徒劳无功!多此一举   【反义词】画龙点睛,恰到好处!恰如其分   【辨析】~和“弄巧成拙”,都可表示“4330自以为做得好,结果坏了事”的意思,但~偏重在“做多余的事”,“弄巧成拙”偏重在“想做得好些、巧妙些”!   【例句】   (1)切勿刻意求工、以免~,丧失了自然,   (2)多写上这一句!不但没增强表现力!反而成了~,、1974属虎的办公室坐向


Dragon 。1974属虎的吉祥方位

棕树的一生 任人千刀万剐 是什么生肖跪求答案并说出理由谢谢!

  喝水不够会变迟钝     希7188望采纳?1974年2018年运程如何


  这个生肖是:虎   属虎人的性格优点:   ①有朝气。有雄心壮志、   ②敢想敢干。勇于开拓。   ③热情大方!顽强自信!刚愎自用、   ④有正义感!乐于助人。   属虎8972人的性格弱点:   易动感情,自以为是、稍微有点孤傲任性。!1974年出生属什么生肖


  鼠,牛!虎!兔、龙、蛇,马!羊!猴。鸡,狗。猪     我感觉 是鼠!1974年属什么生肖配对


  是一个叫jon bon jovi 的你用百度的图片搜索就可以看到了   歌词:I guess this time you''''re really leaving   I heard your suitcase say goodbye   And as my broken heart lies bleeding   You say true love in suicide   You say you''''re cried a thousand rivers   And now you''''re swimming for the shore   You left me drowning in my tears   And you won''''t save me anymore   Now I''''m praying to God you''''ll give me one more chance, girl   I''''ll be there for you   These five words I swear to you   When you breathe I want to be the air for you   I''''ll be there for you   I''''d live and I''''d die for you   Steal the sun from the sky for you   Words can''''t say what a love can do   I''''ll be there for you   I know you know we''''re had some good times   How they have their own hiding place   I can promise you tomorrow   But I can''''t buy back yesterday   And Baby you know my hands are dirty   But I wanted to be your valentine   I''''ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby   When you get drink, I''''ll be the wine   I''''ll be there for you   These five words I swear to you   When you breathe I want to be the air for you   I''''ll be there for you   I''''d live and I''''d die for you   Steal the sun from the sky for you   Words can''''t say what a love can do   I''''ll be there for you   And I wan''''t there when you were happy   I wasn''''t there when you were down   I didn''''t mean to miss your birthday, baby   I wish I''''d seen you blow those candles out   I''''ll be there for you   These five words I swear to you   When you breathe I want to be the air for you   I''''ll be there for you   I''''d live and I''''d die for you   Steal the sun from the sky for you   Words can''''t say what a love can do   I''''ll be there for you、1974年属虎人的五行




  属龙人很少拐弯抹角讲话!属龙人讲起话来就像引用皇家法律一样、有时属龙人会感到文明!充满深情和甜言蜜语对属龙人是一种极大的约束?当属龙人被激怒的时候!特别粗暴。无礼、并完全不体谅别人,   但别人以同样的方法回敬属龙人是无效的、除非那人3287也是属龙人?并决定用武力来解决?那么我们就都可以坐下来观赏那壮丽的烟火了、属龙人能把打架变得像过生日一样热闹。尽管属龙人们脾气很坏!又武断。但对长辈还是孝顺的!   尽管属龙人的感情像火山一样爱爆发,但不能说属龙人好感情用事。也不能说属龙人敏感或浪漫!!1974年属虎运程空气答案是什么生肖


  ‘朝三’是排行第三的“寅虎”生肖,   ‘暮二’是生肖倒数第二的“戌狗”生肖!。1974年生人2017年运势
