

  Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative.   慷慨,善良,体贴。富于创造力和想象力,   May become secretive and vague. Sensitive . Don't like details.   也许会有些神秘兮兮或者含糊不清。敏感,讨厌细节,   Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Unselfish.   爱梦想且不切实际、充满同情心和爱心!无私,   Good kisser. Beautiful.   接吻技术很好!美丽、 0638  Imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, kelfless, unworldly, intuitive and sympathetic.     优点:想像力丰富?善解人意、心地仁慈!舍己为人不自私!直觉力强!懂得包容,     Escapist, idealistic, secretive, vague, weak-willed and easily led.     缺点:不够实际幻想太多。太情绪化多愁善感,意志不坚定、容易受环境影响。、


  1. Fries 薯条.   只要去过麦当劳的人都知道薯条是什么东西吧? 薯条的全名应该是 French fries, 但一般你说 fries 大家就知道了. 另外有些人比较偏好粗一点的薯条, 像是肯德鸡的薯条就比麦当劳的粗很多, 所以它们有另外一个名字叫 potato wedge 或是 wedge potato 但如果你记不了这么多, 只要说 fries 人家还是听得懂啦!   2. Mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥.   Mashed potatoes 说穿了就是熟马铃薯泥, 可加牛奶/Heavy Cream 一起打, 还有奶油和盐。讲究的会再磨蒜泥、加蒜粉。黑胡椒等、味道更香!这道菜在美国一般家庭或餐厅都相当常见, 只要你去美式餐厅或美国家庭作客, 就几乎肯定可以吃到 mashed potatoes. 另外如果懒得把马铃薯打成泥状的话, 超市也有卖一种粉状的懒人食品 instant potatoes, 把它加水加牛奶搅一搅加热後就可以吃了.   老美在吃 mashed potatoes 时还喜欢在上面淋一层褐色的卤汁 gravy. Gravy 多半是由烤牛/烤鸡的dripping精华, 再加独门调味, 勾芡而成. 由於 potatoes 吃起来味道都差不多, 但 gravy 可是有独门的秘方, 所以这个 gravy 也就决定了 mashed potato 味道的好坏.   3. Baked potatoes 烤马铃薯   马铃薯另一种常见的作法则是把整颗马铃薯下去烤, 烤好了之後上面再涂一些有的没的例如像是 sour cream (酸奶) chives (一种美国韭菜), cheddar cheese (起司), bacon bits, (培根粒), chopped broccoli (花菜粒), butter (奶油) 或是 olives (橄榄). 通常你去好一点的餐厅点 bake potatoes 它们都会问你上面要加什么, 如果你像我一样不喜欢那些有的没的, 就跟他说, "I want it plain." 就好啦!   4.Baked bean 甜豆.   这种吃起来甜甜的豆子老美非常地喜爱, 所以才会到处可见. 做法很简单是把一种甜甜的豆子煮的烂烂, 看起来有点像调味料一样. 有一次去餐厅吃饭, 我跟我同学点了 baked bean 当 side dish, 结果我同学大概因为没看过 baked bean, 以为这是牛排酱还是什么佐料, 结果居然拿牛排去沾 baked bean. 害我们大家都笑得要死说.   5.Green bean 四季豆   四季豆不论在中外都很常见, 唯一不同的是美式的煮法是用水煮到烂, 不像是中式料理喜欢用大火快炒, 因为老美喜欢蔬菜吃起来烂烂的, 不像我们老中喜欢吃脆脆的口感. 所以像我这么喜欢吃四季豆的人来美国之後都没吃过几次 Green bean, 因为烂烂的四季豆实在是不怎么样.   6.Cole slaw 高丽菜沙拉.   Cole slaw 是一个法文, cole 是法文里高丽菜的意思, 而 slaw 则是沙拉的意思. 所以 cole slaw 就是一种高丽菜沙拉, 它把高丽菜和红萝卜切成细细的, 扮上一种由 Sour cream, Mayo, 芹菜籽, 糖跟醋所作成的白色的酱汁, 这种酱汁加上生高丽菜Green cabbage的「生猛」, 使得Cole Slaw有股特别的酸甜呛味,有时老美也不单吃 cole slaw, 他们会把面包夹热狗再夹 cole slaw, 就变成了好吃的热狗三明治.   7. Creme corn 奶油玉米   老美的作法是把煮熟的甜玉米跟奶油状的液体 (creme) 搅拌均匀就大功告成了, 这道菜是老美招待客人时偷懒最好的伴侣. 懒人餐中可以跟 creme corn 相提并论的是水煮豌豆 (pea), 只要买一罐豌豆罐头回来加热一下就可以上桌了!,家居装修注意 装修色彩运用风水禁忌


  In astrology,horoscope refers to twelve equal areas of the zodiac division.Western astrology that phenomena according to the "upstream,efficient" principle to reflect,dominate the human activities,so the twelve constellation represents twelve basic personality types or emotional traits.It tries to use the birth,birth time and the position of the heavenly bodies to explain people's personality and fate.、儿童房装修 儿童房风水讲究


  Scorpio is a strong sense of responsibility, toughness, has the concept of organization (systematic), willpower strong, strong wish to dominate, for the mysteries of life have unique insight instinct, and always have plenty of energy to the subtle complexity .,供奉文财神讲究 文财神摆放位置


  每次过年回老家都会看到家家户户窗户上面贴着窗花!以前不曾仔细注意过,这次过年回老家。我仔细看了一下。每个窗花的花样居然都不一样。   回到老家、妈妈就带着我到4813各个亲戚家串门?这正好满足了我看窗花的愿望、我兴高采烈地跟着妈妈去串亲戚!我们先去的爷爷家。爷爷是个很传统的人?所以每到过年的时候爷爷家都是最充满年味的!门口的对联!院里的灯笼。当然还有最传统的窗户上的窗花!爷爷家的窗户上贴的窗花有的是一只大公鸡。有的是一条大鲤鱼,奶奶说贴这些窗花就是讨个吉利。预示着新4479的一年里面万事如意,接财接福,我问奶奶这都是在哪里买的?奶奶说都是她自己剪得,自己7426剪出来的窗花才更有意义?我瞬间就感觉奶奶太厉害了、从来不知道奶奶还会剪窗花、我跟着妈妈又去3750大伯家、才刚进门就看到大伯家也贴着窗花!我跑去窗前仔6036细地看!原来大9723伯家的窗花是牡丹花的形状。好大的一朵盛开在窗户上面,红红的很是喜庆、大伯说这是代表着新的一年要花开富贵,从大伯家出来,我们接着去下一家。还没进门就看到玻璃门上贴着的福字、不过怎么是倒着的?妈妈好像看出了我的疑惑、对我解释道:“福字倒着贴就预示着,福到了、福到自己家了,”我听1037了就恍然大悟、原来是这个意思、中国人的传统真的是很有意思呢,     自从这次对窗7724花细细地了解之后,我深深的爱上了它!现在我自己也能剪几个简单的窗花样子了,,鞋柜尺寸多少 进门玄关鞋柜方位风水


  country of west-central Europe. Switzerland is located at the crossroads of   Europe, the meeting point for three of Europe’s major cultures ------German,   French and Italian.   Switzerland   is a small country that lies in the centre of Europe. It‘s surrounded by four   countries, France to the west, Italy to the south, Austria to the east and   Germany to the north. It’s about the same size as Holland?屏风隔断风水摆设 屏风隔断怎么设计


  教学目标:   1,幼儿了解十二生肖的来历,   2。幼儿初步感知十二生肖中所包括的动物、顺序及十二生肖的循环特点,   3,培养幼儿对属相的兴趣!激发幼儿的民族自豪感。。卧室门对着大门怎么办 卧室门对着大门解决办法


  十二生肖   12 Chinese Zodiac Signs   或   12 symbolic animals   十二生肖的英文表达   Rat charm, 子鼠   Ox patient, 丑牛   Tiger sensitive, 寅虎   Rabbit articulate, 卯兔   Dragon healthy, 辰龙   Snake deep, 巳蛇   Horse popular, 午马   Goat elegant, 未羊   Monkey clever, 申猴   Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡   Dog loyalty, 戌狗   Pig chivalrous. 亥猪,客厅风水画挂什么好 客厅风水画的挂画方位


my name is XX, aiso,some else call me xx,I am xx years old,when it comes to my favorite foods,I can't like xx more,AS for my hob骇y ,I prefer playing basketball.It's essential to refer that some star i love called Beckham 希望你能满意 、学一学室内风水学知识 风水装修不求人十二生肖的介绍英语


  I have a lovely cat, I gave it a good name, called "beibei".   "Beibei" snowball all white, fluffy, feels soft, slippery. It is a long a pair of very special eyes, at night, it is big and round eyes, like black grapes, during the day, with the light and strong, its eyes and turned into a joint. Its mouth and long beard, looks very powerful, very air. My father told me, the whiskers of a cat to catch mice is used.   "Beibei" very naughty, sometimes, I hold out their hands, it with the claws tickled me, open the small mouth, teeth and gently bite me. A ball of string, a toy, can let it excited, jumping and scratch and bite, is really extremely naughty.   When it is quiet, I was sleeping, curled body, also kept on calling, it looks like sleeping soundly.   I really like our little "babe".、为什么买房装修看风水 风水在家居装修的作用
