



  Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Find light in the beautiful sea   I choose to be happy   You and I, you and I   We’re like diamonds in the sky   You’re a shooting star I see   A vision of ecstasy   When you hold me, I’m alive   We’re like diamonds in the sky   I knew that we’d become one right away   Oh, right away   At first sight I left the energy of sun rays   I saw the life inside your eyes   So shine bright, tonight you and I   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Eye to eye, so alive   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shining bright like a diamond   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shining bright like a diamond   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Palms rise to the universe   As we moonshine and molly   Feel the warmth, we’ll never die   We’re like diamonds in the sky   You’re a shooting star I see   A vision of ecstasy   When you hold me, I’m alive   We’re like diamonds in the sky   At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays   I saw the life inside your eyes   So shine bright, tonight you and I   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Eye to eye, so alive   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shining bright like a diamond   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shining bright like a diamond   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   So shine bright, tonight you and I   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Eye to eye, so alive   We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond   Shine bright like a diamond、手指看性格口诀




  七七,等于庚午。天干,地支均为七!属马、1990年!1930年!1870年,!、,、。、均是、   胡答!不一定对,,手指粗细看手相






  花谢了,叶落了。1486云卷云舒的日子越发不见了。都被时光收拢在含蓄的漫漫长夜!那些乌云密布间的蓦然回首,只是昨天的一个偶然,那些花前月下7325的萍水相逢。只是历史的一次邂逅。那些缥缈心扉的美丽往昔,只是记忆里的忧伤。那些层层叠叠、密1521密麻麻的脚步与痕迹,只是年轮和光阴的记栽。那些泛滥在脑海中!沉积在肺腑之上!盘旋在脑海中的太多太多的梦想与期待?虽然将是过往云烟。匆匆淡然。但是残存在心底的某个拐角!也都是许多曲折离奇的传说!此刻、真的好怕、好怕让这个寒冷、萧瑟、失调的冬天给敷衍了,淹没了!烧毁了,旦夕了、永别了……,手指肚横纹 手相






  可能是兔子   7430两个耳朵长。牙齿也比较长,   这是三长   两短应该指的是尾巴短   嘴巴也短!手指骨节形状算命
