

5763  牛     希望采纳,


你好、答案是狗。一般不0563少东方人和西方人都需要家中有一位属狗的朋友来帮助自己判断是非?别人可以相信属狗人会给别人出个好主意、属狗人注重事实的态度更有利于帮助那些吹牛皮说大话的人纠正自己的缺点,属狗人并非喜欢表现自己,而是出于内心的善意。属狗人认为有必要去判定一个人的对错!给属狗人指出来、使属狗人能正视自己与现实, ,一般看门户有啥讲究




  Chinese knots中国结   Chinese Knots   Traditional Chinese decorative knots, also known as Chinese knots, are typical local arts of China. They are a distinctive and traditional Chinese folk handicraft woven separately from one piece of thread and named according to its shape and meaning. In Chinese, "knot" means reunion, friendliness, peace, warmth, marriage, love, etc. Chinese knots are often used to express good wishes, including happiness, prosperity, love and the absence of evil.   Chinese people have known how to tie knots using cords ever since they began learned how to attach animal pelts to their bodies to keep warm thousands of years ago. As civilization advanced, Chinese people used knots for more than just fastening and wrapping. Knots were also used to record events, while others had a purely ornamental function. In 1980, dedicated connoisseurs collected and arranged decorative yet practical knots passed down over centuries in China. After studying the structures of these knots, the devotees set about creating new variations and increasing the decorative value of knots. The exquisitely symmetrical knots that come in so many forms are as profound as the great cultural heritage of the Chinese people.   The Chinese knot is based on over a dozen basic knots named according to their distinctive shapes, usages, or origins. The Two-Coins Knot, for example, is shaped like two overlapping coins once used in ancient China. The Button Knot functions as a button, and the Reversed Swastika Knot was derived from the Buddhist symbol commonly seen on the streamers hanging down from the waistband of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy.   The knots are pulled tightly together and are sturdy enough to be used for binding or wrapping, making them very practical. Furthermore, the complicated structure of the Chinese knot allows all kinds of variations and enhances its decorative value. Almost all basic Chinese knots are symmetrical, which has set certain technical limitations on the design and creation of new patterns and themes. Symmetry is consistent with time-honored ornamental and aesthetic standards in China. Visually, the symmetrical designs are more easily accepted and appreciated by Chinese people.   Except for the Two-Coins Knot, the Chinese knot is three dimensional in structure. It comprises two planes tied together leaving a hollow center. Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall. The hollow center also allows for the addition of precious stones.   Crafting the Chinese knot is a three-step process which involves tying knots, tightening them and adding the finishing touches. Knot-tying methods are fixed, but the tightening can determine the degree of tension in a knot, the length of loops (ears) and the smoothness and orderliness of the lines. Thus, how well a Chinese knot has been tightened can demonstrate the skill and artistic merit of a knot artist. Finishing a knot means inlaying pearls or other precious stones, starching the knot into certain patterns, or adding any other final touches.   Since ancient times, the Chinese knot has adorned both the fixtures of palace halls and the daily implements of countryside households. The Chinese Macrame has also appeared in paintings, sculptures and other pieces of folk art. For instance, the Chinese Macrame was used to decorate chairs used by the emperor and empress, corners of sedans, edges of parasols, streamers attached to the waistbands of lady's dresses, as well as all manners of seals, mirrors, pouches, sachets, eyeglass cases, fans and Buddhist rosaries.   The endless variations and elegant patterns of the Chinese knot, as well as the multitude of different materials that can be used (cotton, flax, silk, nylon, leather and precious metals, such as gold and silver, to name a few) have expanded the functions and widened the applications of the Chinese knot. Jewelry, clothes, gift-wrapping and furniture can be accentuated with unique Chinese knot creations. Large Chinese knot wall hangings have the same decorative value as fine paintings or photographs, and are perfectly suitable for decorating a parlor or study.   The Chinese knot, with its classic elegance and ever-changing variations, is both practical and ornamental, fully reflecting the grace and depth of Chinese culture. 中国结   "中国结"全称为"中国传统装饰结"。它是一种中华民族特有的手工编织工艺品,具有悠久的历史,"中国结"的起源可以追溯到上古时期。当时的绳结不仅是人们日常生活中的必备用具,同时还具有记载历史的重要功用、因而在人们的心目中是十分神圣的、很早以前人们就开始使用绳纹来装饰器物,为绳结注入了美学内涵!除了用于器物1044的装饰!绳结还被应用在人们的衣着!佩饰上。因此绳结也是中国古典服饰的重要组成部分,   唐宋时期(公元7~13世纪)是中国文化?艺术发展的重要时期!这一时期中国结被大量地运用于服饰和器物装饰中,呈明显的兴起之势,至明清时期(公元1368~1911年),"中国结"工艺的发展达到鼎盛阶段、在诸多日常生活用品上都能见到美丽的花结装饰。其样式繁多,配色考究!名称巧妙,令人目不暇接,由衷赞叹!   "中国结"的编制过程十分复杂费时、每个基本结均以一根绳从头至尾编制而成,并按照结的形状为其命名、最后再将不同的基本结加以组合。间配以饰物,1230便成为富含文化底蕴!表示美好祝福、形式精美华丽的工艺品!   悠久的历史和漫长的文化沉淀使"中国结"蕴涵了中华民族特有的文化精髓。它不仅是美的形式和巧的结构的展示、更是一种自然灵性与人文精神的表露,因此!对传统"中国结"工艺的继承和发展是极有意义的,   年年有余:[,一般请人看风水多少钱


  混沌初分!天干地支刚定时,玉皇大帝下令普召天下动物!要按子,丑!寅!卯。辰、巳。午。未,申!酉。戌,亥十二地支选拔十二个属相。 消息传出后。惊动了花猫和老鼠这两个相好的朋友,花猫对老鼠说:"明日五更去天庭应选、我有个贪睡的毛病,到时你可要喊我一声啊。"老鼠连声道:"好说!好说。"   可是第二天一早。不讲信义的老鼠却偷偷起床不辞而别了!   这天!灵霄宝殿上禽兽云南集,开始应选!玉帝按天地之别、单挑了龙!虎、牛,马。羊、猴。鸡、狗!猪!兔、蛇,鼠十二种水陆兽类来作十二属相,公鸡7415当时长着两只美丽的角。也被列入兽类里,   玉帝刚要给它们排一下座次,只见黑狸猪闪了出来。别看它生得笨嘴拙腮,却专爱惹事生非。它奏道:"玉帝既已选好首领。小臣愿替君分忧解愁。当个公正人、为兄弟们依次排位。"玉帝闻言大喜!嘱咐猪要秉公而断!就退朝了!   玉帝一走。十二生肖就6005闹成了一锅粥?   开头。大家一2327致推选温和!宽厚的老黄牛居首位!连威武的老虎,苍龙也敬它几分、表示同意!可是。缩在墙角的老鼠却钻了出来,提出抗议、它说:"论大数我大,不信咱们到人间比试比试,听听百姓的评论?"于是、老黄牛和老鼠来到街头闹市。   牛在人群中走过时!人们毫无反应!这时,老鼠"哧溜"一下子爬到牛背上打起立桩来!街上的人们纷纷乱嚷:"好大的老鼠?"等人们拿出棍棒赶来扑打时。老鼠早已跑远了。   老鼠回来大吹大擂!众动物都替黄牛打抱不平、只有黑猪暗自高兴、它觉得只有这样大小不分。好坏难辨!才能鱼目混珠、自己也从中渔利!于是!它大笔一挥先挑了老鼠、后排了老牛!   这可惹恼了在一旁的7583老虎和苍龙!它俩大声喧叫起来,震得众动物们发抖、3742众动物忙向龙和虎朝拜、一致推选老虎为山中之王。苍龙为渔中之王,统管天下、猴子为老虎写了"王"字金匾,挂在老虎前额上!公鸡把两只角送给了苍龙,从此、苍龙戴上了桂冠,老虎、苍龙有了人间权势、也就甘居老鼠和老黄牛之后了!这时、又跳出一个多事的野兔、它冷笑一声说:"嘿嘿!论长相我和老鼠差不多。论个子我比老鼠大,我是山王的护卫、应该排在海王前面,"   苍龙一听大怒、说:"你休得胡搅蛮缠、不服气咱就比试比试!"黑猪一听正中下怀、忙说:"一言为定,你们就比比赛跑吧,让猎狗来做你们的裁判员、" 狗和鸡素来不和、它见鸡讨好龙,便想借机捉弄它们一下。它选了条荆棘丛生的跑道、暗地里对兔说:"你的尾巴太长了!会妨碍比赛的!要忍痛割!一薪之火什么是风水




 2701 龙 求采纳~~~~~,一见钟情打一生肖


佘颜,个人认为这个比较好听!而且颜色的颜给这个6220名字填了几分活泼的意味!我不太清楚七七的问题是单纯的的字面意思还饥深层含义。以上是自己的看法,6625希望有所帮助 ?一见钟情是什么生肖

吃好了喝喝好身体棒 年年有余美美年是什么歌?

  吃好了喝喝好身体棒 年年有余美美年是歌曲《羊年吉祥》   《羊年吉祥》   鞭炮声声 锣鼓喧天红灯高挂 又是一年欢声笑语 春风满面张灯结彩 马上有钱喜气洋洋 洋气冲天天降吉祥 祥云拂面面若桃花 花撒人间羊年吉祥 马上有钱羊年吉祥 吉祥的年年年好运来 笑声连连唱起来 跳起来 洋起来春暖花开 暖暖的年羊年吉祥 吉祥的年岁岁有今朝 美酒祝愿吃好啊 喝好啊 身体棒年年有余 美美的年,一见钟情的八字年年有余打有佘打一生肖


