



  五色丝的五色代表五行,汉代信仰五行阴阳之说,五色代表了五方位,彼此相生相克!具有神秘的驱邪迎吉作用!青色属木,代表东方,赤色属火、代表南方。黄色属土。代表中央、白色属金!代表西方!黑色属水,代表北方,以动物为标志!东方为青龙、南方为朱雀,西方为白虎、北方为玄武(龟蛇)、中央为黄龙,均为灵物、   五色丝可以驱邪避瘟的5063象征意义远比实际功能明显,因为至今没有关于这几种色彩为什么会消灾去病的具体说明,可见这是俗信中具有魔力和象征的神奇物?和节1641日用的艾叶?菖蒲!雄黄等医药功用显然不同?纯属俗信求吉的需要、   但是,从另一方面看!节日的五色丝又充分表现了祝贺的含义。   儿童用五色丝系脖颈、缠手足腕、俗称长命缕、续命缕!百岁索。健索,   ,店铺进门风水


  1 五彩绳古代也叫长命缕!端午节当天7593系在手腕。脚腕带地方、可以避邪,防五毒、2 五彩绳的五色代表五行,相生相克、就有神秘的力量、   3 五彩绳在节日当中有祝贺的含义,平安吉祥、带来好运、祝福平安!   4 节日当日。把五彩绳系在手腕上、然后等第一场雨!或者洗澡时!让河水冲走,    5 荷包 端午节带荷包有避邪的作用,荷包带有一些独特的香味!让人精神饱满!、店铺适合养哪些风水鱼


  基本助运物:黑玛瑙!     双子座在2014年里过得还不错!而进入2015年会同样安然自在。快乐的度过这年的时光!只是这其中仍然随着时间而有所起伏的、因为木星在年中换了星座。即将失去这个优势,之后或许会感到很不顺,但其实可以趁这个机会好好地照顾一下家庭!所谓有得必有失、这时会比较回归到家庭、比较能够照顾家人。关怀身边的人?不会忽略了他们、这是就是2015年木星移位带来的好处。 在占星学最妨碍运势的行星就是土星!而明年就是双子座遇到了土星在对宫冲击!其实在2014年12月!土星已经进到双子座的对宫了。直接形成了冲击和拉锯。使得你许多方面都开始不太顺畅了!这情况在2015年会逐渐具体成形!     恋爱助运物:粉晶、     双子座最美好的时光是在上半年,你这时感到很快乐、朋友交际活跃、人缘显得特别好,浪漫的爱情也在这时候闪耀。然而土星进入了双子座的对宫,关系忽然产生距离或隔阂、互动也冷却下来!虽然有一段期间土星还是会退行!回到天蝎座内!却又会再度前进到双子座对宫,这种反复的情况,连机灵的双子也难以招架。一下子没事、却突然2105又出事、使得你觉得命运很难掌握。对于恋情顿时产生了无助感!     财运助运物:黄水晶。     双子座2015的财运持平。不上也不下。进帐和支出的都相当!虽然偶有额外开销也不用忧虑!由于家运不错的缘故。间接对于金钱储蓄方面不无小补,也因而整体结余还能成为平盘! 金融投资方面的运势:冥王星和天王星长期的抗衡未了、对你的投资环境有变动的影响!容易引发危机、3958下半年木星引发动能!这段期间虽然看好。但需要小心操作才不致于误触雷区、     事业运助运物:玛瑙。     双子座在2015这一年,工作职场的境遇不是很理想!运势没有很旺盛!本来木星在狮子座对双子座颇有帮助!使得你人脉广阔,对事业也有帮助、可是之后木星直接换到对双子座最不利的位置、使得你各个方面都会觉得被牵制、工作上一直施展不开。土星5745来回作用。尤其要注意九月的土星再返对宫,这时候运势的转折还会更大!更牵涉到合作或复杂的人事问题。     学习运助运物:紫水晶!     双子座2015年的功课学7556业运势大致还不错?然而呈现出前后半年有所落差的情况。在上半年的时候成绩表现优异。然而到了下半年之后。就有退化的迹象了,这期间会较有力不从心的感觉。     其他:健康助运物:黄玉、人际运助运物:玛瑙,家庭运助运物:粉晶、,店铺适合摆放什么植物








  When the lady greets to exotic, even so, you are not to shake hands with such as physical contact, but should instead of distance. In addition, women in something not directly to monk pass monk, through the man. Avoid give monk money. The priest shall meet monk, give them money, because of the money is not accept others JinLv Buddhism. Avoid has profaned the Buddha, Buddha is allowed to photograph. See figure of Buddha, Buddha to avoid pat no respect, buddhist statue was riding in the above photographs of Thai people cannot tolerate profane act, there is the behavior of people may be sentenced to. Into the temple, socks, should take off shoe, otherwise you will incur barefoot into trouble. In addition, scruffy, TanXiongLouBei, wear vest, shorts into a temple, considered profane act, is strictly prohibited. The head is the inviolable. Touch other head is considered to be touched a crying shame. If you accidentally touch the head, and others sincerely apologize immediately. The child cannot touch head, because the child that "Thailand has elves" head accommodation, touch the head is that children will give children bring luck ". Children's head only allow the king, monks, and their parents touch. Even the barber also cannot touch others in the head before the barber, say "I must". Women should be huge, and dignified legs together, otherwise considered not civilization, lack of education. Avoid using left. The left hand is considered unclean, avoid using hand, because the thais delivered with left hand is to think of a despised. Formal occasions, such as something to send CARDS to each other, and shall be delivered to your hands, with our respect and delivery of the same things etiquette. Avoid against others. Pat the shoulders of others is not considered a friendly gesture, considered a civilized manner. Avoid trample threshold. In Thailand, do not enter home on the threshold of Thailand, because that threshold under occupation spirit. Avoid using red sign. Only in the coffin in Thailand on the names of the dead in red, when to use red sign is dead. In our country also avoid writing, signed with the red pen, because with the red pen write hinted diffidation, with the red pen is to sign the ungodly. Avoid sitting cross-legged or sole to people. In Thailand, sitting cross-legged or sole on people or to the Buddha is not polite. Whether sitting or standing, don't allow thais clearly see your sole, because the sole of others is a "will trample on the" other people in Thailand, insulting is absolutely unacceptable. Brown in color, taboo, like red, yellow, and blue well disposed, in their eyes, the blue symbolizes "eternal" and "stability". In the middle of a conversation should avoid discussing politics, religion and royal aspects of topic, And Thailand, don't boast businessman of national economy, don't ask Mrs. Some married. The topics include proper culture, history and Thai food. Gifts Thailand businessman like gift-giving. Calligraphy and painting, children's toys and flowers to Thailand is comely gifts. But should pay attention to avoid sends with "" and" turtle "pattern of the soul, Business gifts, because the Thai people think a crane is a kind of" sex "bird, Turtle was regarded as a sickening low-level animal, give a person with a kind of "ugly" and "sex", "insulting" impression. Therefore, this two animals with its design and the goods that Thailand is taboo. In addition, flowers, don't send carnations or marigold's national flower lotus is people very favorite. Young people prefer foreign universities T-shirt. And when the same host, the etiquette received a gift in front of you not to open it. If you receive a Thai people's gift to you, you also need to open it, thank you, unless you can open it requests. The final decision businessman talks in Thailand for a long time, often need to be patient, maintain a positive attitude of "the best things are difficult to get opportunities will no doubt. In addition, business negotiations in Thailand, don't expect a talk to have enough psychological preparation, and not a spirit of facilities, strive for success of the negotiations. Business etiquette embody the businessmen of personal comprehensive quality and cultural literacy, represent the company's professional image and reflect in the national civilization. Thailand as a predominantly buddhist has its unique traditional etiquette for our country, in the business activity, must respect its religious tradition and culture, avoid some taboo behavior, only such ability and tai shang good business communication, win their trust, and finally obtain business opportunities.?店铺里有个柱子风水


福本命年免费送红绳手鍊?想学还可以教的, !店铺里有电梯,风水泰国手绳禁忌五彩绳


