

  Constellation     分类:   Aquarius 水瓶   Pisces 双鱼   Aries 白羊   Taurus 金牛   Gemini 双子   Cancer 巨蟹   Leo 狮子   Virgo 处女   Libra 天秤   Scorpio 天蝎   Sagittarius 射手   Capricorn 魔杰!


   我属蛇用英语怎么说。     回答:   请您参考:   A.   According to the Chinese animal zodiac sign, my zodiac is snake.   According to the Chinese Zodiac, mine is snake.   According to the Chinese Zodiac, my zodiac sign is snake.   B.     英语中。当谈个人出生的属相时、一般表达为:   What animal sign(zodiac sign) were you born under? 你属什么、   I was born in the Year of the Snake./ Mine is the Snake. 我属蛇!。家居风水画中玄机风水如何看


  鸡年用英语    the Year of the Rooster!家居装修风水宜忌了解多少

只有努力才能成功 用英语怎么说

   Only by working hard to be successful,家居的布局风水如何趋吉避凶


  孕妇照 pregnancy photograph   [例句]拍孕妇照是一种铭记她们成为准妈妈的漂亮时刻的新方式,   Taking pregnancy photographs is a new way to remember their beautiful moments for mothers-to-be.。家居的植物摆放以及风水禁忌


  十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac 鼠Rat 牛Ox 虎Tiger 兔Rabbit 龙Dragon 蛇Snake 马Horse 羊Goat 猴Money 鸡Rooster 狗Dog 猪Pig。家居客厅的装修风水怎样看


  要是说“我和他发生矛盾了”(以前)应为:I had a contradiction with him."他和别人发生矛盾了”(以前)He had a conflict with others!“这里发生矛盾了!”Is there have a contradiction ?这都能说出去的、,家居的风水禁忌如何破解呢


Relaxation ,家居的装修风水学如何看


  Zodiac mahogany   桃木   [网络] Mahogany; Peach; Myrtus; peach wood;   桃木   [网络] Mahogany; Peach; Myrtus; peach wood;!家装楼梯的风水禁忌有什么八字胡英语怎么说

缺水的城市 用英语怎么说

  缺水的城市可以用:   thirsty cities   cities with water shortages   cities that short of water   cities that lack of water   city of severe water shortage!家居的鱼缸摆放位置风水
