
楚楚 这个名字~~ 20分

没有不妥,名字很动人啊!楚楚动人嘛、我觉得蛮好的。既个性又好听 ,


  《魔幻手机》中肖楚楚的手机铃声叫:Moonlight Shadow   Moonlight Shadow   歌手:Groove Coverage   所属专辑:Deejay Top 4ty Vol.8   发行时间:2002-09-30   发行公司: Universal ‎   The last that ever she saw him,   carried away by a moonlight shadow.   He passed on worried and warning,   carried away by a moonlight shadow.   Lost in the riddle last Saturday night,   far away on the other side,   he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight   and she couldn't find how to push through.   The trees that whisper in the evening,   carried away by a moonlight shadow.   Sing the song of sorrow and grieving   carried away by a moonlight shadow.   All she saw was a silhouette of a gun,   far away on the other side,   he was shot six times by a man on the run,   and she couldn't find how to push through.   I stay   I pray   I see you in heaven far away,   I stay   I pray   I see you in heaven one day   Four a.m. in the morning,   carried away by a moonlight shadow.   I watched your vision forming,   carried away by a moonlight shadow.   Star was glowin' in a slivery night,   far away on the other side,   will you come to talk to me this night   but she couldn't find how to push through.   I stay   I pray   I see you in heaven far away,   I stay   I pray   I see you in heaven one day.   Caught in the middle of a hundred and five   The night was heavy and the air was alive   But she couldn't find how to push through   Far away on the other side   The night was heavy and the air was alive   But she couldn't find how to push through   she couldn't find how to push through?女左手手相老公


人人网上姓名为 包楚楚 的使用者共有11人,其中 女生100.00%、男生0.00% ,女左手相

煜是什么意思 名字上

  拼音:yù 简体总笔画:13 部首:火   繁体:煜 繁体总笔画:13 康熙字典笔画:13   五行:火 浮图塔起名推荐用字   主要字义:五行为火!本义为照耀!在人名中引申为光明、明亮、光耀。灿烂等含义!     8660使用此字的名人:66%用在名字中的第一字,34%用在名字中的第二字,建议在名字中的第一个字使用该字!,女巫店每周星座运势


  提到轩字、必会使人联想起轩辕黄帝、生出不可小视之感、再者,现代成语中有气宇轩昂之说,给人的印象是气质不凡、出类拔萃; 另有古语中泛指华美的车子,屋檐!殿堂前檐处,给罚以踏实可靠。有责任感的印象。!女带弥勒佛有什么讲究




7452  单名的外格都是是2 。外格管与人的出世关系!人际关系、、女强人排名生肖




  用字的意义:   波:波字原指江河、深湖海等因振荡而一起一伏的水面。后来也指像波浪一样的东西、作人名用时。主要是寄寓勇敢搏击,荡起朵朵浪花之意!(此字在人名库中共出现约:1,189,870次)   《说文解字》释云:水涌流也。从水皮声、   林林系您指定的姓氏用字、从生肖上看,生肖为马。名字中应有木0887部首为吉、林的部首为木!   波波系女子名常用字!能较好的与您的姓氏搭配!   3360字义波表示流水!波光。波浪、意义优美,   音律林、波的读音是lín,bō。声调为阳平,阴平!   字型林为左右结构、姓名学笔画8画、波为左右结构。8085姓名学笔画9画。字型优美、利于书写!   五格该名字的五格笔画搭配为8-9?五格俱佳。   意蕴该名字可以趣解为:“荡漾在林海碧波之中”!成语林下风范 波涛汹涌扩展了名字的意境,、女强人的手相楚楚名字的意思是什么


  原意指鸟翅4330和尾上的长而硬的羽毛 有气质高贵的意思,女强人的面相
