

  《道德经》全文和译文 第一章 道可道(可以语言交流的道)、 非常道(非真正意义上的道)。 名可名(可以明确定义的名)? 非常名(非真正意义上的名)。 无名天地之始(天地在开始时并无名称), 有名万物之母(名只是为了万物的归属)! 故常无欲以观其妙(因此常用无意识以发现其奥妙), 常有欲以观其徼(常用有意识以归属其范围), 两者同出异名(两种思维模式同出自一个地方但概念却不相同)、 同谓玄之又玄(这就是玄之又8880玄的玄关窍), 众妙之门(它是打开一切奥妙的不二法门)! 第二章 天下皆知美之为美(天下皆知美之所6513以为美)、 斯恶已(是因为丑恶的心灵在作崇)、 皆知善之为善(皆知善之所以为善)。 斯不善已(是因为不善的意念在作怪), 故3199有无相生(因此而产生了有无相生)! 难易相成(难易相成), 长短相形(长短相形)、 高下相倾(高下相倾)、 音声相和(音声相和), 前后相随(前后相随等各种患得患失的主观意识)。 是以圣人(但是圣人)。 处无为之事(处于无区别心1186之无为境界)! 行不言之教(教化众生于不6553言之中)! 万物作焉而不辞(顺应万物的发展规律而不横加干涉)? 生而不有(生养万物而不据为己有)。 为而不恃(竭尽全力而不自恃已能)。 功成而弗居(功成业就而不居功自傲)、 夫为弗居(正因为他不居功自傲)。 是以不去(所以他不会失去什么)、 第三章 不尚贤(不刻意招贤)? 使民不争(使民众不去争名)! 不贵难得之货(不稀罕难得之货)! 使民不为盗(使民众不为盗)。 不见可欲(不见引发欲望的根源)。 使心不乱(就不会产生动乱的动机)! 是以圣人之治(所以圣人的治理方法是): 虚其心。实其腹(普及虚心!养身的道理)。 弱其智!强其骨(宣传弱智,强骨的好处)、【注:弱者道之用】 常使民无知无欲(常使人民深刻感悟无知无欲的益处)? 使夫知者不敢为也(使那些自作聪明的人无用武之地)! 为无为(以无为的境界处理政务), 则无不治(国家就没有治理不好的理由)。 第四章 道冲(道似一个器皿)! 似万物之宗(好像万物的根源)、 渊兮(它浩瀚无边啊)! 而用之或不盈(永远取之不尽)! 挫其锐(压制锋芒)! 解其纷(解脱纷扰)、 和其光(和顺光辉)、 同其尘(混同尘垢)、 湛兮(高深莫测啊), 似若存(好像无7846处不在)。 吾不知谁之子(我虽然不知它的来源)! 象帝之先(但它却先于上帝), 第五章 天地不仁(天地超越仁的概念)! 以万物为刍狗(任凭万物像草狗那样自生自灭)。 圣人不仁(圣人超越仁的概念), 以百姓为刍狗(任凭百姓自作自息)。 天地之间8592(天地之间的一切生命)! 其犹橐龠乎(犹如风箱一样)、 虚而不淈(虚空但无穷尽), 动之愈出(越动付出愈多)。 多言9908数穷(言多必然有失)! 不如守中(不如抱心守一), 第六章 谷神不死(掌握采集大道能量的方法就可以长寿)。 是谓玄牝(就好比掌握了复制生命的方法)、 玄牝2641之门(复制生命的不二法门)! 是谓天地根(是与天地同寿的根本)、 绵绵若存(绵绵不断的生命形式就是这样存在的)? 用之不勤(大道的能量是用之不竭的), 第七章 天长地久(天长地久), 天地之所以能长且久者(天地之所以能长久), 以其不自生(因为它不为自己而生)。 故能长生(所以能长生)、 是以圣人(因此圣人)! 后其身而身先(因为谦让反而获得人民的拥戴), 外其身而身存(置之身外反而让人民依赖他的存在), 非以其无私邪(难道不是这种无私的精神)! 故能成其私(反而成全了圣人的理想吗)。 第八章 上善若水(上等的善就如水一样), 水善(水善的表现形式是): 利万物而不争(滋养万物而不争功), 处众人之所恶(甘居众人之所唾弃)! 故几于道(所以水最接近于大道)。 居善地(起居善于选择吉地)、 心善渊(7322心态善于融入平静)、 与善仁(交流善于把握仁爱), 言善信(言语善于表达诚信), 正善治(政见善于治理国家)。 事善能(处事善于发挥能量)? 动善时(行动善于把握时机)! 夫唯不争(惟有像水这样不争)。 故无尤(所以才能万事无忧), 第九章 持而盈之(财物执持盈满)、 不如其已(不如适可而止)! 揣而锐之(铁器磨得锐利)! 不可长保0310(不可长期保存)! 金玉满堂(金玉堆满堂屋)! 莫之能守(不知谁人能守)。 富贵而娇(富贵而生骄横)! 自贻其咎(那是自找麻烦), 功成身退(功成名就身退)! 天之道(才是自然之道)、 第十章 载营魄抱一(精神与形体统一)、 能无离乎(能永远不分离吗), 专气致柔(结聚精气以致8250柔和), 能婴儿乎(能像初生的婴儿吗)。 涤除玄监(洗涤心灵之镜)! 能无疵乎(能没有瑕疵吗), 爱民治国(爱护百姓4522治理国家), 能无为乎(能顺应自然吗)! 天门开阖(感官自然开启), 能无雌乎(能不被引诱吗)! 明白四达(理事明白通达)。 能无知乎(能没有成见吗)、 生之畜之(创造并养育万物的大道), 生而不有(创造万物而不占为己有), 为而不恃(无所不能而不自恃有功), 长而不宰(左右万物而不任意宰割), 是谓玄德(这就是恩泽天下的玄德)。 第十一章 卅辐共一毂(卅根辐条围成一个轱辘)、 当其无有车之用(因为中间有空2319车才能行进), 然埴以为器(燃烧粘土使其成为器皿)。 当其无有器之用(因为中间有空器皿才能容纳)。 凿户牖以为室(开凿门窗建造居室)! 当其无有室之用(因为中间有空居室才有光明), 故有之以为利(有形的东西之所以被人们利用)! 无之以为用(是因为看不见的无形在起作用)! 第十二章 五色令人目盲(贪图美色令人看不清丑恶)。 五音令人耳聋(喜闻顺音令人听不到忠言), 五味令人口爽(美味佳肴令3330人品不了疾苦), 驰骋田猎令人心发狂(驰骋田猎令人心狂意躁)。 难得之货令人行妨(难得之货令人图谋不轨)、 是以圣人之治(因此圣人治理国家), 为腹不为目(重视内在的充实而放弃表面的愉悦)、 故去彼取此(所以知道如何舍得), 第十三章 宠辱若惊(宠辱若惊), 贵大患若身(贵大患若身)。 何谓宠辱若惊(什么叫宠辱若惊), 辱为下(把荣辱看得比生命都重要), 得之若惊(得到了无比惊喜)。 失之若惊(失去了无比惊恐)、 是谓宠辱若惊(这就叫宠辱若惊)、 何谓贵大患若身(什么叫贵大患若身)、 吾所以有大患者(我所以有强烈患得患失的心态)! 为吾有身(因为我有自我的观念)、 及吾无身(如果我抛开自我)! 吾有何患(我还有什么理由患得患失), 故贵以身为天下(所以重视自身为天下的人)。 则可寄于天下(才可5239以把天下寄于他), 爱以身为天下者(爱惜自身为天下的人)。 乃可以托于天下(才可以把天下托付给他)! 第十四章 视之不见(看不到图象)、 名曰夷(称着夷), 听之不闻(听不到声音 )! 名曰希(称着希)、 抟之不得(触不到形体)。 名曰微(称着微)。 此三者不可致诘(此无色?无声!无形之物无法用语言描述)! 故混而为一(只能称它为阴阳未判之混元一气), 其上不谬(它的上面不见光明), 其下不昧(它的下面不见黑暗)、 绳绳不可名(实在是无法给它下定义)、 复归于无物(还是把它复归于无物吧), 是谓无状之状(这应该是无状态之状态), 无物之象(无物象之物象)、 是谓恍惚(这就是似无似有的恍惚)! 迎之不见其首(往前追溯不知何时开始), 随之不见其后(往后跟随不知何时结束), 执古之道(掌握上古的自然之道)、 以御今之有(以驾御今天的生命之有)、 以知古始(以感知上古的来龙去脉)、 是谓道纪(这就是自然之道的纲纪)、 第十五章 0988古之善为道者(古时善于修道的人)。 微妙玄通(见解微妙而深远通达), 深不可识(给人一种高深莫测的感觉), 夫唯不可识(夫惟恐言不达意)。 故强为之容(故努力为之形容): 豫兮若冬涉川(开始学道者谨慎的象严冬过河), 犹兮若畏四邻(尤其惧怕邻里的干扰), 俨兮其若客(严肃的好象虔诚的客人)、 涣兮若冰之将释(继而他的性格会变的洒脱无羁涣然冰释), 敦兮其若朴(品质会变的敦厚诚恳朴实无华)。 旷兮其若谷(心胸会变的旷达开朗虚怀若谷), 浑兮其若浊(意识会经历浑浊及混乱的考验)。 孰能浊以止(如何将这种混乱的杂念止住呢)。 静之徐清(把心静下来漫漫就清澈了)! 孰9589能安以久(什么方法能保持安静状态长久)。 动之徐生(感悟静极生动带来的生机)? 保此道者不欲盈(保持这种方法修道的人不会骄傲自满)。 夫唯不盈(正因为他不会骄傲自满)! 故能敝而新成(所以才能敝弃陈旧获得更新)、 第十六章 至虚极(修道进入虚无至极的意境), 守静笃(安守宁静气定神闲)! 万物旁作(万物在时空的隧道中行进)! 吾以观其复(我可以反复观察他们的循环)。 夫物芸芸(天地万物芸芸众生), 各复归其根(各自都要归于它们的因果)! 归根曰静(看到因果7400可以说是静的作用)。 静曰复命(只有静才能了解生命的真谛)! 复命曰常(生命的真谛就是变化的规律), 知常曰明(了解变化规律才算通晓明白)。 不知常(如果不知道变化规律)、 忘作凶(妄作非为自然带来凶险), 知常容(知道变化规律才能包容一切)! 容乃公(包容一切才能公正豁达)! 公乃全(公正豁达才能完整周全)! 全乃天(完整周全才能符合自然)? 天乃道(符合自然就是遵循大道), 道乃久(遵循大道才能长治久安), 没身不殆(终身都不会感觉到不妥)。 第十七章 太上!不知有之(最好的统治者。人民并不知道他的存在)? 其次、亲之誉之(其次的,人民近而赞美他)! 其次,畏之(再次的、人民畏惧他)! 其下,侮之(更次的!人民轻蔑他)、 信不足焉(信用不足的君主)、 有不信焉(自然有不信任他的臣民), 犹兮其贵言(谨慎做到不随意发号施令)! 功成事遂(帮助人民实现心愿)? 百姓皆谓:"我自然"(百姓都说:"我们本来就是这样的")、 第十八章 大道废(大道废除)、 有仁义(自然出现仁义)。 智慧出(智慧频出), 有大伪(自然混杂大伪), 六亲不0284和(六亲不和) ? 有孝慈(自然彰显孝慈)? 国家昏乱(国家昏乱)。 有忠臣(自然产生忠臣), 第十九章 绝圣弃智(崇高的圣贤志士不用奸诈治国)、 民利百倍(人民自然可以获得百倍的利益)。 绝仁弃义(崇高的仁爱之士不搞义气用事)、 民复7256孝慈(人民自然能恢复忠孝仁慈之心), 绝巧弃利(崇高的能工巧匠不去争夺名利)! 盗贼无有(盗贼自然不会刻意打他的主意)! 此三者以为文不足(仅此三者作为法则是远远不够的)、 故另有所属(所以另外还须心有所属): 见素抱朴(保持纯朴的心态), 少私寡欲(减少自私的欲望)。 绝学无忧(这就是崇高而快乐无忧的学问)、。


  生俏的英文是 good-looking     你问的是生肖12个英文是   鼠:Rat、      牛:Ox!     虎:Tiger,     兔:Hare     龙:Dragon!     蛇:Snake,     马:Horse     羊:Sheep。     猴:Monkey!     鸡:Cock     狗:Dog!     猪:Boar     这是地支 生肖的说:     Rat charm, 子鼠     Ox patient, 丑牛     Tiger sensitive, 寅虎     Rabbit articulate, 卯兔     Dragon healthy, 辰龙     Snake deep, 巳蛇     Horse popular, 午马     Goat elegant, 未羊     Monkey clever, 申猴     Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡     Dog loyalty, 戌狗     Pig chivalrous. 亥猪     这是最全的     一. 鼠——Rat   英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼、可耻的人,告密者。密探!破坏罢工的人,美国俚语指新学生,下流女人!当看到smell a rat这一词组时!是指人们怀疑在做错某事、a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 。rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求 安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。)     二. 牛——Ox   涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”!“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox”的表 达方式8213则不多!用Ox - eyed形容眼睛5444大的人?用短语The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。     三. 虎——Tiger  6454 指凶恶的人、虎狼之徒!2527英国人指穿制服的马夫、口语中常9215指比赛的劲敌,中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人、词组ride the tiger表示以非常不 确定或危险的方式生活,     四. 兔——Hare   在英国俚语中。hare指坐车不买票的人、与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人、start a hare!在讨论中提出枝节问题、例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次讨论你都提出与题无关的问题?英语中有许多关于兔的谚语。如:   1. First catch your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)、   2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)?     五. 龙——Dragon   龙在中国人民的心目中占有崇高的位置。有关龙的成语非常多!且含有褒义!如“5942龙跃凤鸣”!“龙骧虎步”等。在外国语言中!赞扬龙的词语非常之少!且含有贬义!如“dragon”指凶暴的人。严厉的人。凶恶严格的监护人、凶恶的老妇人等!以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义?如dragon’s teeth :相互争斗的根源!排列或多层的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障碍物!the old Dragon:魔鬼,     六. 蛇——Snake   指冷酷阴险的人。虚伪的人。卑鄙的人,美国俚语指追求和欺骗少女的男子或男阿飞、由 此看到。在英语中,“snake”往往含有贬义、如:   John’s behavior should him to be a snake.   约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。   与sna......余下全文>>。周易大衍筮法占卦


  Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)   The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy.   火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。   TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.   坚持会使你成功、但是爱冲动的毛病也2863会带来麻烦,   Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)   The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.   土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力、   TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.   你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点,   Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)   The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.   风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度!   TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.   你的多0944变使你能够适应事物,   Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日)   Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive.   巨蟹座是水相星座。水是情感的象征,水的特质是给予和接受。 0870  TIPS: Good memory is your born gift.   良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋、   Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日)   Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.   狮子座是火相星座的中心!火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望!   TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility.   你对目标的坚定不移使你自信,但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡,   Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日)   Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Vi龚go works hard to stability.   在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定,   TIPS: A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.   良好的教育背景很重要,你的优点是勤奋、   Libra 天秤座(9月24日~10月23日)   Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted......余下全文>>,大连公司风水大师


  Aries (白羊座英文介绍) 白羊座- OR ARIES RISING (Ruled by Mars火星) Aries is the first sign of the zodiac(十二宫图)and its symbol is the Ram(公羊). Positive Expression People born under the sign of Aries are energetic, spontaneous and outgoing. They are often courageous (勇敢的), ready to go bold-headed and willing to take risk. Their optimistic and enthusiastic outlook makes them exciting and stimulating company. Since Aries needs to forge ahead, individuals born under this sign generally act on impulse, enjoy challenges and the spice of danger. They excel in sport and are virtually unstoppable. Negative Expression Since Aries 'acts first and thinks later' he/she often regrets his rash action at a later stage. Their impulsive (冲动的) and hasty nature makes them impatient, tactless(不老练的), quick-tempered and aggressive. Their 'me-first' attitude sometimes turns an assertive Aries into a rude, pushy and in extreme cases a thoughtless 'bully'. Physical and Sexual Characteristics Because Aries is ruled by the 'red' planet Mars, they often have a ruddy complexion with freckles and reddish hair. Aries natives' strong sex drive makes them passionate lovers, but their desire for conquest and the need to prove themselves can lead to a 'Casanova' or 'Femme Fatale' syndrome. However, they able to form stable relationships with those who respect their great need for independence. Romance Profiles The sign of the Ram is graced by the element of Fire, and if......余下全文>>?哪个属相生肖好

步步惊心中刘诗诗的详细英文介绍 要爱好 年龄 身高 体重 星座 生日 血型等 急需跪求!!!!

  Name: 刘诗诗 / Liu Shi Shi   English name: Cecilia   Also known as: 刘诗施   Profession: Actress   Birthdate: 1987-Mar-10   Birthplace: Beijing, China   Height: 165cm   Weight: 44kg   Star sign: Pisces   Chinese zodiac: Rabbit   Blood type:B   Education: Beijing Dance Academy (Ballet major)   Hobbies: Going online, shopping, reading, listening to music,ballet, traveling   Ethnicity: Hui   Talent Agency: CEI   TV Series   Happiness of an Angel as Xiao Han (in production)   Xuan Yuan Jian Zhi Tian Zhi Hen as Tuo Ba Yu Er (2012)   Bu Bu Jing Xin as as Maertai Ruo Xi / Zhang Xiao (Hunan,2011)   Guai Xia Yi Zhi Mei as Yan San Niang (2011)   Tian Ya Zhi Nu as Princess Zhao Jia Yi (2010)   Bai She Hou Zhuan as Shuang Shuang (2010)   Yi Tian Tu Long Ji as Yellow Robe Lady (2009)   Chinese Paladin 3 as Long Kui (2009)   Legend of the Condor Heroes as Mu Nian Ci (2008)   Liao Zhai Qi Nu Zi Xin Shi Si Niang as Xin Shi Si Niang (2007)   Shao Nian Yang Jia Jiang as Yang Si Niang (CTV, 2006)   Fei Hua Ru Die (飞花如蝶) as Qi Er (2006)   The Legend of Lu Xiao Feng as Sun Xiu Qing (CCTV, 2007)   Yue Ying Feng He (月影风荷) as Ye Feng He (2005)   TV Series Theme Songs   Deng Ni De Ji Jie, Bu Bu Jing Xin insert song (2011)   Movies   Xia Yi Ge Qi Ji 下一个奇迹 (2011)   Endorsements   Dreaming back to Mount Deer (梦回鹿鼎记) online game   Fantasy Zhu Xian (梦幻诛仙) online game     ...余下全文>>!2017年出生属什么生肖


  双鱼座是黄道星座之一,面积889.42平方度!占全天面积的2.156%!在全天88个星座中,面积排行第十四!双鱼座每年9月27日子夜中心经过上中天,双鱼座中亮于5.5等的7729恒星有50颗。最亮星为右更二(双鱼座η)、视星等为3.62,现在的春分点位于霹雳五(双鱼座ω)附近、   英文名:Pisces   生日:公历2月19日~3月20日   星宫:第十二宫   守护星:海王星   守护神:海神波塞冬   守护天使:拜丘 Barchiel   符号:两条被连在一起却同时向相反方向游动的鱼 属性: 幸运石--猫眼石   水象 阴性 变动   人生阶段:灵魂   代表:人类心灵和宇宙合而为一!属于传授型人物   人生乐事:浪漫,帮助弱者   吉祥物:海马。马头鱼尾兽(海神坐骑)   吉祥植物:海藻!水生植物、山茶花。木兰花!致幻植物和蘑菇   诞生树:柳树   幸运树:橡树。白桦,岑树!栗子树   诞生花:荷花   幸运花:樱花。紫罗兰。罂粟花。勿忘我。彼岸花   诞生石:海蓝宝石 幸运石--祖母绿   幸运石:猫眼石!祖母绿   吉祥金属:铂,合金   吉祥数字:7!16、25,34   幸运日:7日、16日,25日!星期四   幸运色:海绿,蓝!紫。黑。白!银灰   幸运方位:东南偏东、东北偏北   幸运地点:海边、近水城市   幸运场所:海边俱乐部、咖啡馆,剧场   幸运国度:法国。意大利,萨摩亚群岛!澳大利亚   幸运爱好:冲浪。帆板,划艇,钓鱼、游泳,极限漂流   理想居所:幽雅!迷奇。舒展心情!引起幻想!有许多神秘、稀奇的小玩意儿   神话   有一天天气极佳!众神在尼罗河畔举行盛大的宴会   所有神明都接到了邀请!美神维纳斯带着小儿子爱神丘比特也来参加   牧神潘和大家演奏起美妙仙乐、美食美酒。一切都让人陶醉波塞冬 马头鱼尾兽(4张)  丘比特却被一个女孩吸引   她神情忧郁。在欢乐的气氛中显得与众不同   于是丘比特上前询问   原来她叫血石、是预言家所罗门之女   所罗门预言:这是一场灾难的宴会   所以她十分担忧   丘比特劝血石别太担心!又和她聊起快乐的事   他对这位善良的女孩!萌生了爱意   突然。附近传来凄4642历的吼声   一个几十丈高的妖怪蹿了出来,它有一百个头!向诸神狂吐烈焰   宙斯大惊失色,原来这是他的死敌——巨神提丰   众神一看不妙,纷纷化为动物逃走:   宙斯变为鸟、赫拉变牡牛、阿波罗变乌鸦   赫尔墨斯变朱鹭。阿尔忒弥斯变猫!狄俄尼索斯变山羊   海格力斯变小鹿,赫菲斯托斯变公牛。勒托变老鼠   宴会也变成8411了动物园   这时候,勇敢的血石却不顾一切,向提丰冲了过去   她一心想要击退提丰   丘比特来不及阻挡!慌忙中向提丰射出一箭  1350 他竟忘了自己是丘比特   爱神之箭刺穿了血石!也射中了提丰   丘比特万分懊悔!奔向血石   这时?维纳斯找到了他   她拉着丘比特向尼罗河纵身一跃、瞬间幻化为两只鱼7477遁入河底   丘比特只能在水中,含泪望着血石被提丰带走、消失在远方   ……   后来、雅典娜将维纳斯化身的鱼提升到空中成为南鱼座。加上丘比特化身的鱼则称为双鱼座   (by 黛色神玥)   性格   双鱼的图案起源,是两只海豚(约公元前300年以前),“海豚救人”历史悠久:它们不但会将溺水者托出水面。遇上鲨鱼袭击人类时。也会挺身而出?见义勇为,因而古代人已将海豚视为灵性的动物。人类的朋友。在后来关于双鱼的性格......余下全文>>,八字算官运财运




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  Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius. In western astrology, the sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Scorpio is considered a "feminine", negative (introverted) sign. It is also considered a water sign and one of the four fixed signs.[2] Traditionally, the planet Mars has been considered to be the ruler of Scorpio, and since its discovery, Pluto has been considered a modern ruler of this sign. As the eighth sign in the zodiac, Scorpio is associated with the astrological eighth house.   Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Scorpio individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Scorpio around October 24 and exits around November 22.   Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac, and you shouldn't take that lightly. You shouldn't take Scorpios lightly, either. Those born under this Sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. There's no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, either: these folks will zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within. Scorpios concern themselves with beginnings and endings, and are unafraid of either; they also travel in a world which is black and white and has little use for gray. The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators. These folks love to probe and know how to get to the bottom of things. The fact that they have a keen sense of intuition certainly helps.   It's the Scorpion which symbolizes Scorpios, and it's no accident. Much like the Scorpion would rather kill itself than be killed, those born under this Sign are the ones who are in ultimate control of their destiny. It is life on the Scorpion's terms, too, since these folks promote their agenda (they are quite the executives) and see to it that things go forward. Others may find this overbearing (it can be) and even self-destructive, but that's the beauty of the Scorpion: these folks have tremendous regenerative powers, much like the literal Scorpion can lose its tail and promptly grow a new one. Fearless Scorpions rarely lose, per se, they just keep on going, since they are stubborn and determined to succeed (this Scorpio trait is in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign). Scorpios work as hard as they do so they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These folks are intense, passionate and filled with desire. They're also complex and secretive, so don't expect to get much out of them, lest they become suspicious and exit stage left. It's best not to bet against Scorpios, either, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful.   Magnetic, elusive, sexy and determined. That’s you Scorpio! You were born under the eighth sign of the zodiac which is referred to by astrologers as a fixed water (ice) sign. In a lot of ways ice sums up your emotional character. But why is this, when you have fiery and warlike Mars ruling you?   Your star sign is probably one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. It has had a pretty bad rap over the years, but that’s just because what people don’t understand, they tend to fear. That cool aloofness is just the surface of your complex nature, and is by no means bad. Below the surface of your cool exterior is a scorching and passionate fire. You know it and others sense it too.   You’re an emotional being, and you take it to the limits. In fact you need overkill to feel really alive. You also want approval, though you don’t often verbalise that. You give 100 per cent of yourself to those you love, and expect the same, if not more, in return. There are definitely no half measures in your attitude to love.   You are demanding of yourself and others, but when you give your heart to someone you’re very loyal. You are committed to anything you do, including relationships — you absolutely adore the idea of love. It’s a challenge that excites you.   You turn heads whenever you walk into a room — you are the strong, silent type, and you have a magnetic aura. You have something that’s hard to put your finger on but makes it nearly impossible for people to ignore you. You know full well that you can manipulate people, and you love it! This magnetic power is really your greatest strength.   It’s well known astrologically that the eyes of a Scorpio can hypnotise. Whether you know it or not, this is your most powerful physical trait. Often people will often say that you have amazing eyes. So even though you don’t always articulate your feelings, your eyes do plenty of communicating for you — they can express the full range of your emotional states.   Determination is another of your key characteristics. People can see you as insensitive to others’ needs, even obsessive, because you push forward so single-mindedly. There are no half-measures in your life — in friendship, love, family life or work. You want to be the best, and you won’t let anything stand in the way.   But on the plus side, you like to share your successes with the people you take under your wing, whether they’re family or friends.   You’re not afraid of obstacles or challenges, whether they are something unavoidable or foes or competitors. In fact, you thrive on them — you love trying to prove that no one can stop you.   If someone tries to corner you or put you in a difficult situation, they’d better be prepared to give it their best shot, because you won’t give in until you win, and your enemy is totally crushed in body, mind and spirit.   If that ruthless streak in your character can’t be satisfied straight away, you’ll wait, patiently, until the proper time to seek revenge. Time is of no consequence to you when it comes to wreaking vengeance.   Whether you’re fulfilling your sensual appetites or your more noble aspirations, pleasure will always be a focus for you. You want it all. You are not afraid of the dark side, even though you seek the light. This is why Scorpio has three totems — the scorpion, the lizard and the phoenix.   The scorpion is the most vengeful and dangerous part of your nature. If you’re operating on that level, you’ll be constantly seeking to hurt others with your power. This is, of course, something to avoid.   The lizard represents the class of scorpions who hide from life and never quite achieve the full measure of their power. They sometimes seek self-destructive outlets such as drugs or even criminal activities to satisfy their obsessive nature.   If you aspire to the best that Scorpio has to offer, you’ll be the phoenix, which rises out of the ashes. This transformative totem indicates that you have to burn your lower nature to allow the most splendid parts of your nature to live and grow. Fortunately, most Scorpios lean towards the phoenix.   In appearance you will be well proportioned, strong in body, muscular, and with a broad face and a commanding look. Your eyes, as already mentioned, are your strong point.   You are a tireless worker and generally achieve great success after the middle part of life.   The life of a Scorpio is challenging, but there’ll never be a dull moment.   hope this all help,中版四柱预测天蝎座的英文介绍


   soothsayer     英 ['suːθseɪə]   n.占卜者,预言者。大学生创业口号八字
