

  Capricorn(the Goat)摩羯座   Aquarius(the Water Carrier)水瓶座   Pisces(the Fishes)双鱼座   Aries(the Ram)白羊座   Taurus(the Bull)金牛座   Gemini(the Twins)双子座   Cancer(the Crab)巨蟹座   Leo(the Lion)狮子座   Virgo(the Virgin)处女座   Libra(the Scales)天秤座   Scorpio(the Scorpion)天蝎座   Sagittarius(the Archer)射手座?


  Constellation     分类:   Aquarius 水瓶   Pisces 双鱼   Aries 白羊   Taurus 金牛   Gemini 双子   Cancer 巨蟹   Leo 狮子   Virgo 处女   Libra 天秤   Scorpio 天蝎   Sagittarius 射手   Capricorn 魔杰、厨房冰箱摆放的禁忌


  这是我做演讲的底稿!基本都是我自己写的?用的单词都很简单,…可是这个初中水平可不敢担保…你自己看着改吧!后面的不是完整的句子?根据前面的比一下就好了,初中生我不建议做这个演讲。光12星座的单词都够你记得、我可以帮你选题,如果你自己改不了!就再跟我说一下。我帮你改。实在不成就说一声、我把QQ留给你。希望能帮到你,   Good morning every body. Today I want to introduce something to all of you. Look at the blackboard please. Maybe you will find out that none of the words knows you, except this one “cancer”. Everyone in our class knows what cancer means. But a few know another meaning of it. That is what I want to tell you today.   First, let us look at this word “Aries”. Aries is used to describe people who are born from March 21st to April 20th. You may say that I’m an Aries. You can also say that “he or she and I are the same as Aries.” And if someone ask you, look at this “do you know the personal characteristics of Aries?” you could answer them that they are energetic and active, but sometimes impatient. Aries also like to be the leader. And sometimes they may be selfish.   The second word is “Taurus”. You may get it. Yeah, it is the people who born from April 21st to May 21st. And they do not like change, they are patient and do not give up easily, and they may be a hard-work person. You can also call them workaholic.   The third word is “Gemini”. They born from May 22nd to June 21st. They are very curious and clever. And they are outgoing and love to talk very much.   And finally we get the word “Cancer”. It is no longer use as a noun to describe a disease in my presentation. It is use to describe people who born from June 22nd to July 22nd. The cancer is kind and loves their family. They like to cook and save money.   Next is “Leo”. It is from July 23rd to August 23rd. The Leo is strong and confident. And they are also generous to their friends.   “Virgo”. Virgo is from August 24th to September 23rd. The Virgo is shy and worry too much at times. And they pay attention to the details.   “Libra”. Libra is a polite and fair person. They love peace and beautiful things. They born 9 24 10 23   Scorpio October月24日~11月22日   they are powerful person and have lots of energy. they like to keep secrets. And they do not like to forgive others for their faults.   Sagittarius 11月23日~12月21日   you enjoy life and have a good sense of humor .they are very lucky.   you love traveling to different places.   Capricorn 12.22 1.20   They love business and often successful. you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.   Aquarius   they are kind and wise. They have many friends. however, some people think that they are strange because they hate to be like anyone else and they try everything just because they want to be different.   Pisces 2.20 3.20   they are generous ,kind,gentle and easy-going. they are also creative and imaginative. And they like to dream about everything.   80字以内实在是没有希望的…这个已经很简单了。如果你要加一些自己的例子,就更长了,你可以考虑单独介绍一个星座!这个比较实用、如果需要的话,我可以帮你写!但我还是希5358望你能自己完成!这是一个不可多得的学习机会、我提供全程帮助。其实没有你想得那么难啦,很好做的~~自己做意味无穷呐~~~嘿嘿,我又废话啦~~不要Pia飞我…T_T,布置厨房应注意哪些

星座用英语怎么说 天平座呢?





  很多哦 现在所有大作都有英文名,你要单机还是网游。茶发晶的功效与作用


  不是道你是准备中文译英文时、用差不多发音的英文单词呢。还是英翻中时!用和英语发音差不多的中文词来命名啊!不过。你想谐音译名、总能找到个你认为 比较近似的词的!。厨房风水布局的图解


  梦见自己英语说的好棒意味着:   春天的气息由阳光中透露出来。心花也朵朵开放的感觉。对内心抱有好感的人不要羞於表达自己的情绪。不仅是情人!周围的同性。异性都适用,感觉对3366方有让你欣赏的地方,几6388句「好棒喔!」、「好漂亮喔,」等等,自然而然让赞美之词由口中说出!人际关系也就是这麽简单建立的, 2006    梦见自己英语说的好棒的吉凶:   基础稳固,希望易达、顺利成功发展!名誉与福份俩俱充足!隆昌威仪!大成功,大余庆!繁华荣隆,【大吉昌】     切勿当真、不要相信迷信,!金发晶手链功效


  起英文名时最好与自1676己的中文名有联系,让人感觉就是你!   起名时要注意:     1.根据中文名起英文名时。注意姓氏通常不变!   2.起英文名时要注意性别,   下面是根据星座经常起的一些英文名。供参考:     白羊座男性最适合的英文名:Charles,Mark,Bill,Vincent,William,Joseph,James,Henry,Martin     意思:   Charles-男子汉,有男子气概的   Mark-战争之神   Bill-勇悍的卫士   Vincent-征服   William-强有力的战士或保卫者   Joseph-愿上帝增加,耶和华增加   James-代替者,排挤者   Henry-家里的管事者   Martin-战神MARS的名字,引申为嗜战的     白羊座女性最适合的英文名:Malcolm,Joan,Niki,Betty,Linda,Whitney,Lily   意思:   Malcolm-。、,   Joan-上帝仁慈的赐予   Niki-,。!   Betty-上帝的誓约   Linda-美丽的人   Whitney-!。,   Lily-百合花     金牛座男性最适合的英文名:Fred,Gary,William,Charles,Michael,Karl   意思;   Fred-强大的!富有的!以和平手段领导的统治者   Gary-带茅!枪的人、猎犬   William-强有力的战士或保卫者   Charles-男子汉,有男子气概的   Michael-肖似上帝的人   Karl-,,,     金牛座女性最适合的英文名:Barbara,Helen,Katharine,Lee,Ann,Diana,Fiona   意思:   Barbara-陌生人!外乡人   Helen-光亮的!光彩照人的女孩   Katharine-纯洁的人   Lee-草原上的居民   Ann-优美的   Diana-光亮似白昼!月亮   Fiona-美貌的     双子座男性最适合的英文名:Bob,John,Thomas,Dean,Paul,Brooke   意思;   Bob-战斗   John-?,,   Thomas-太阳神,一双孪生子   Dean-!。,   Paul-小家伙。幼小的    Brooke-!!     双子座女性最适合的英文名:Judy,Doris,Rudy,Amanda,Shirley,Joan,Tracy   意思:   Judy-赞美   Doris-海洋女神名?属于大海的   Ruby-红宝石   Amanda-值得爱的   Shirley-来自牧场的   Joan-上帝仁慈的赐予   Tracy-通往城市的小路     巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名: Kevin,Louis,John,George,Henry,Benjamin   意思:   Kevin-出身很好的、圣人   Louis-战功彪炳的   John-!,。   George-耕种者   Henry-家里的管事者   Benjamin-勇悍的卫士     巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名:Melody,Helen,Debbie,Lisa,Yvonne   意思:   Melody-、!!   Helen-4348光亮的?光彩照人的女孩   Debbie-蜜蜂,蜂后   Lisa-美好的、为了理想   Yvonne-弓箭射手,上帝的恩赐     狮子座男性最适合的英文名: Robert,Carl,Scott,Tom,Eddy,Kris,Peter   意思:   Robert-。,!   Carl-伟大的人物   Scott-、、、   Tom-。。。   Eddy-、、、   Kris-,、。   Peter......余下全1304文>>、如何选择厨房的颜色关于星座的英语


  鸡年发大财的英语   make a million in the year of rooster   鸡年Year of the Rooster   发大财   释义   (1)make a million   (2)make a packet   1.   人人都认为我要发大财了,   Everybody thinks I'm making a mint   《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》   2.   他希望通过投资人参发大财。   He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.   《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》   3.   他的生活没有被一味想发大财的心态左右!   His life isn't ruled by looking for a fast buck   《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》   以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考   4.   他看了我之手掌一会!然后对我说。我会发大财。   He read my palm for a while and said to me that I would make a fortune.、厨房方位对健康有什么影响
