

  哈哈? 你是不是水瓶座的啊?   反正咱们水瓶座的普遍比较有个性 只要你喜欢,怎么都行!   管他别人怎么想呢   呵呵   想用做名字就做吧! 我支持``   呵呵   [,


  星座   constellation   英[ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃn] 美[ˌkɑ:nstəˈleɪʃn]   n. 星座; 一群杰出人物; 一系列(相关的想法、事物); 一群(相关的人);   [例句]Most patients have a constellation of diseases, with few clear-cut distinctions between them   大多数患者的病症都很相似,鲜有明显的区别,   [其他] 复数:constellations,客厅沙发后面挂字禁忌


  star sign是星座   白羊座 Aries 金牛座 Taurus 双子座 Gemini 巨蟹座 Cancer 狮子座 Leo 处女座 virgo 天枰座 Libra 天蝎座 Scorpio 射手座 Sagittarius   摩羯座 Capricornus 水瓶座 Aquarius 双鱼座 Pisces   建议 至于读音,你就查9119一下金山词霸吧。上面不仅有读音、可能还有其他对你有用的信息!。客厅沙发后面挂画讲究

十二生肖 的英文

  十二生肖   12 Chinese Zodiac Signs 或   12 symbolic animals     十二生肖的英文表达     Rat charm, 子鼠     Ox patient, 丑牛     Tiger sensitive, 寅虎     Rabbit articulate, 卯兔     Dragon healthy, 辰龙     Snake deep, 巳蛇     Horse popular, 午马     Goat elegant, 未羊     Monkey clever, 申猴     Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡     Dog loyalty, 戌狗     Pig chivalrous. 亥猪、客厅沙发坐西朝东风水


拼音: yàn 简体部首: 日 五笔86: jpvf 五笔98: jpvf 总笔画:10 笔顺编码: 竖折横横捺捺折折撇横 解释: 1. 迟!晚:~起!~驾、 2. 天清无云:天清日~, 3. 鲜豔! 4. 同“宴” 5. 安定、安乐:~宁~处(chù)(安然处之),~安。~然、 6. 9244〔~~〕温柔!和悦、如“言笑~~”! 7. 姓, 、客厅沙发墙山水画风水


  October 31   On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors' doors and yell "Trick or Treat" when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try to guess who is under the masks.   Since the 800's November 1st is a religious holiday known as All Saints' Day(万圣节). The Mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hakkiw e'en, or Halloween. Like some other American celebrations, its origins lie in both pre-Christian and Christian customs.   October 31 st was the eve of the Celtic(凯尔特人的)new year. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts thought. The townspeople baked food all that day and when night fell they dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the dead. Hoping that the ghosts would leave peacefully before midnight of the new year.   Much later, when Christianity spread throughout Ireland and October 31 was no longer the last day of the year, Halloween became a celebration mostly for children. "Ghosts" went from door to door asking for treats, or else a trick would be played on the owners of the house. When millions of Irish people immigrated to the United States in the 1840s the tradition came with them.   Today' school dances and neighborhood parties called "block parties" are popular among young and old alike. More and more adults celebrate Halloween. They dress up like historical or political figures and go to masquerade parties(化妆舞会). In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. Stores and businesses give parties with games and treats for the children.Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better!   Certain pranks(恶作剧)such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are expected. But partying and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the world.   Symbols of Halloween   Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Witches flying on broomsticks with black cats, ghosts, goblins(小精灵)and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween. They are popular trick-or-treat costumes and decorations for greeting cards and windows. Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. In the weeks before October 31, Americans decorate windows of houses and schools with silhouettes(轮廓)of witches and black cats.   Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Carving pumpkins into jack- o'lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland. A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy(吝啬的)that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser(吝啬鬼). He couldn't enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil. As a result, Jack had to walk the earth with his lantern until Judgement Day(审判日). The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips(芜菁根), beets(甜菜根)or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern," or Jack-o'lantern. When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips. Today jack-o'-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies(糖果)waiting if they knock and say "Trick or Treat!"   Halloween Treats   Dried Pumpkin Seeds   After carving your pumpkin, separate the pulp from the seeds. Rinse(冲洗)the seeds and spread them out to dry. The next day, add enough melted butter or margarine(人造黄油)to coat each seed. Spread the seeds onto a cookie sheet(甜酥饼干)and bake for 20 minutes in a 300 degree oven for 20 minutes or until they are slightly brown.   Caramel Apples   Take the paper wrapping off about 100 caramels(饴糖)and put them in a saucepan(炖锅). Put the saucepan over a pan of boiling water. Boil the water until the caramels melt. Put a wooden stick into the top of each apple, dip the apple into the caramel. Let them cool on wax paper and enjoy!   Scary Stories   No Halloween party is complete without at least one scary story. Usually one person talks in a low   voice while everyone else crowds together on the floor or around a fire. The following is a retelling of a tale told in Britain and in North Carolina and Virginia.   "What Do You Come For?"   There was an old woman who lived all by herself, and she was very lonely. Sitting in the kitchen one night, she said, "Oh, I wish I had some company."   No sooner had she spoken than down the chimney tumbled two feet from which the flesh had rotted. The old woman's eyes bulged with terror.   Then two legs dropped to the hearth and attached themselves to the feet.   Then a body tumbled down, then two arms, and a man's head.   As the old woman watched, the parts came together into a great, tall man. The man danced around and around the room. Faster and faster he went. Then he stopped, and he looked into her eyes.   "What do you come for? she asked in a small voice that shivered and shook.   "What do I come for?" he said. "I come for YOU!"   The narrator shouts and jumps at the person near him!!客厅沙发墙挂画风水


  dream of you 梦见你,客厅沙发如何摆放图解


蔺,古代姓氏!出自姬姓!以地名命姓,春秋时。晋献公的少子成师被封于韩(现在陕西省韩城县)。他建立了韩国,因为他的1527爵位是子爵。所以又称韩子。他的后代子孙遂以韩为姓、称韩姓。传到韩厥(即韩献子)时!他的玄孙叫韩康。在赵国为官,得到蔺(今山西柳林县孟门。一说在陕西渭南县西北)作为封邑。他的后代子孙遂以封邑名为姓。称蔺姓! “蔺”字 旧体字 蔺 笔画数:14 拼音: lìn(四声) 部首: 艹 英文:Chinese small iris!rush 详细解释 ① 一种多年生草本植物。也称马蔺、 蔺!莞属、从草!躏声 ——《说文》 蔺席──《急就篇》 田字格中的“蔺”字 ② 假借为"稜" 具蔺石、《汉书·晁错传》。如淳注:"城上雷石也," ③ 通"躏" 车轮碾压; 徒车之所蔺轹。《汉书·司马相如传》 ④ 多年生草,茎可编席,也叫"灯心草" ⑤ 姓氏,古人有蔺相如等 历史名人 蔺相如:战国时赵国名相。初以完璧归赵驰名。后以将相和,廉颇负2922荆请罪着称于世、他即是韩7656康的后裔, 蔺从善:明代学士、洪武时中举人、永乐6939时授翰林院编修、 蔺 芳:明代工部主事。事母至孝!永乐时为志安知府、治绩卓着!先后迁工部主事!工部右侍郎, 蔺 亮:隋代名将,名帝0659甚爱其骁勇?他曾屯兵于浦口山上,所以当时的人把山上的岩石叫做蔺将军巖, 宋代时1671有朝奉郎蔺敏修,明代有应天府尹蔺以权、 蔺完璧:民国中央委员! 蔺姓出自姬姓!以邑名为氏。 据《通志.氏4644族略》记载、战国时! 韩献子之玄孙名康!在赵国做官! 食采于蔺邑(今山西柳林县孟门镇,一说在陕西渭6770南县西北), 其后遂为蔺氏、 有9843关资料 山西省柳林县的孟门镇战国时期为赵国蔺邑!汉元朔三8574年(前126)?汉武帝封其代共王子刘熹为蔺侯。 当北京,上海、广州等现代化大都市还处于蛮荒无名之地的时候。地处晋西三川河沿线的离石,蔺(今柳林县孟门)就2450成为战国时代全国鼎鼎有名的繁华城市和铸币中心了。《赵国钱币》(中国经济出版社1998年版)中写道:“在今山西离石县境方圆几十公里的地方。史籍中记载的地名有六处之多,其中有四个铸有货币地名的城市,可知当时此地必为富庶、经济自然繁荣。”在赵国的70多处铸币城邑中。离石。蔺所造地名钱币市场广阔,非常出名!9266如“离石币”有圆足布大中小三型,平首布和环钱? 山西吕梁出土的古蔺币 特别是“蔺币”品类完整!有八种币型、即圆足币大中小三型、刀币、方足币。平首币和环钱、此外还有蔺半钱币。在战国时期的货币文化中佔有独特的地位、 4246陕西洛川有林台(蔺台)村,蔺家川!崾睍等村!大都为蔺姓封地。人口约为800(其中林台人口约400), 陕西省渭南市华县华州镇蔺家村!全村人皆姓蔺, 甘肃武威有蔺家寨子。村中人皆姓蔺!所生之子皆称蔺子,会宁县有蔺家湾。村中人皆姓蔺! 陕西省渭南市临渭区蔺店镇和丰原乡阿干村蔺家巷,全村皆为蔺姓。此二村为隋朝蔺刚。蔺久二兄弟的后人、 山东省菏泽牡丹区有蔺庄村几百口人皆姓蔺,族谱4050显示为蔺相如之后! 尖足布 山东省莱芜市多有姓蔺者!有多处村庄名曰蔺家庄!蔺家楼等。其中高庄街道办事处有一个蔺家庄!于明朝天启年间建村,有族谱说是山西洪洞蔺姓后人、后因重名改称为东蔺家庄(另有一村称为西蔺家庄)。该村大部分人姓蔺,据了解也是莱芜市内最大的蔺姓村庄,达千馀口、 河南省镇平县贾宋镇育茂张村有蔺姓!几百口人、 河南省商丘市柘城县樑庄乡蔺庄村 全村500馀口人,全是蔺姓、 山东省临沂市郯城县高峰头镇 南蔺村,北蔺村,两村约1200馀人口全村......馀下全文>> ,客厅沙发如何摆放最好


渠 拼音:qú ?jù 解释: [qú ] 1.水道、特指人工开的河道或水沟:~道(亦指途径,门路)、沟~! 2.大:~帅,~魁(首领)、 3.方言、他:~侬(他!他们),~辈! 4.车辋、古代车轮的外圈! [jù ] 岂:“掾部~有其人乎,” 。客厅沙发如何摆风水好星座英文怎么读


  ①客舍,旅馆.《后序》:“二贵酋名曰馆伴,夜则以兵围所寓~.”   ②房舍!住房.《送元二使安西》:“客~青青柳色新.”【又】使……住宿、安排住宿.《廉颇蔺相如列传》:“~相如广成传舍.”   ③住宿!居住.《游褒禅山记》:“唐浮屠慧褒始~于其址,而卒葬之.”   ④谦称自己的属,用在表示亲属关系的名词前.如“舍亲”。“舍弟”等.   ⑤古代行军三十里为一舍.《左传?僖公二十三年》:“晋楚治兵,遇于中原,其避君三~.”成语有“退避三舍”.   shě   ①舍弃、放弃.《劝学》:“锲而不~,金石可镂.”   ②放开、释放.《齐桓晋文之事》:“~之,吾不忍其觳觫.”   ③施舍?布施.《京本通俗小说?错斩崔宁》:“将近一半家私~入尼姑庵中.”   【舍人】官名,秦汉以来到明代宫中都设舍人,职权大小不一.门客.宋元以来俗称显贵人家子弟,同“公子”,“少爷”等.   希望对你有帮助.、客厅沙发妃位摆放风水
