

  In your dreams. 你做梦去吧   Not in your life?等下辈子吧、   Dream on. 做梦呢、, 想什么呢、。 比如:你想让我娶你!做梦,   你懂的,!


  不是in you dreams么读书读的少别骗我哭唧唧!卧室窗户风水禁忌,卧室窗户风水有何禁忌


  我觉得no way(没门)还可以,其他的没有听过,   over my dead body.不是句话是个短语!中文就是 你休想的意思。   比如说:you can come into this room over my dead body.我只要活着你 休想进这屋!客厅的水禁忌有哪些


  I was born in the tiger year.i was born in the year of tiger.(Chinese lunar year.如果不懂就补充这个.)、家居风水财位布局与禁忌


  店名装修_   翻译结果:   The name is decorated?客厅风水布局及摆设

天平 英语怎么说

  5628天平: balance。scales、Balances!lifting beam   微量天平: microbalance,microbalancemicrobalancer。QCM-D,micro[analytical] balance   比重天平: specific gravity balance。balance-SG,density balance、specific balance   托盘天平: table balance、counter balance,bench balance!elevator balance table balance   电磁天平: magnetoelectricbalance!electromagnetic balance。magneticsensor   药物天平: balance for weighing medicine,apothecary balance。pharmacistbalance   电流天平: current balance,Current Balance、ampere balance,current   高温天平: thermo-balance。high temperature balance   密度天平: density balance!de ity balance    刻度天平: dial balance!客厅装修三大风水忌讳


  翻译结果:   The funeral wreaths   丧事   funeral arrangement,beravement更多释义>>   [网络短语]     丧事 funeralarrangements;mourning;funeral   丧事舞蹈 funeral dance   办丧事 conduct a funeral。客厅沙发摆放风水有哪些禁忌

妄想的英语翻译 妄想用英语怎么说

  柯林斯英汉双解大辞典   delusion /dɪˈluːʒən/   1.   可数名词 A delusion is a false idea. 错觉   例:   I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.   我有一种错觉!他要娶我!   2.   不可数名词 Delusion is the state of believing things that are not true. 妄想   例:   Insinuations about her mental state, about her capacity for delusion, were being made.   当时有对她的精神状态的影射——说她有妄想症的影射,!卧室摆设的风水禁忌


  你好!   命运   fate 英[feɪt] 美[fet]   n. 命运、宿命; 灾难,死亡; 命中注定的事(尤指坏事);   v. 注定;   [例句]I see no use quarrelling with fate.   我看不出和命运抗争有什么用!、四大客厅沙发摆放风水禁忌做梦英语怎么说


  宇航船   Aerospace ship   宇航船   Aerospace ship!四大卧室沙发摆放风水禁忌
