

Very cool.So cool.等等 ,


  1. If you take a nap at this moment, you will have a dream; if you make an effort, you will realize your dream.   2. Napping at the moment will make you have a dream; making an effort at the moment will make your dream come true.   3. Take a nap at the moment, and you will have a dream; make an effort at the moment, and you will realize your dream.   4. Napping at the moment, you will have a dream; making an effort at the moment, you will realize your dream.?卧室装修风水禁忌,卧室装修风水禁忌有哪些


  We made the decision by drawing lots.!家居风水,阳台装修风水禁忌

公司开一个水晶卖场 要我起名字,没做过这方面的事情啊,要求有文化底蕴,还要有三个字内,用英文翻译过来 30分

Crystal l丁ve 水晶恋 Crystal night水晶之夜 Crystal Crown水晶之冠 Crystal clear“晶”莹剔透 Crystal City 水晶之都 Crystal dream梦幻晶莹。 !,家中不宜出现三件物品

:最幸福的是踏进课室斜看45度第一眼看见你在座位上 求英文翻译(不要网上翻译)

  Happiness is in the classroom: the most inclined at 45 degrees when I first saw you on the seat!卧室窗户风水禁忌,卧室窗户风水有何禁忌

请教英文翻译“一个人的时光 只属于你的日子” 表达:享受独处的时间的意思。请大侠们要翻译成“

  是钟表广告吗?     “一个人的时光   只属于你的日子”   翻译   *   It's your time. Your time alone.   这是你的时间, 只属于你的时间.     因在翻译中用了"alone", 除了表达时间只属于你 (the time belongs to you), 还表示这是个人独处的时间 (personal time).、客厅的水禁忌有哪些

英文翻译 爸爸对我说:"小时侯,奶奶每年给我做一件新衣服和一双新鞋子."

  1. 爸爸对我说:"小时侯,奶奶每年给我做一件新衣服和一双新鞋子."   Dad said to me:"When I was little, grandma made a new shirt and a pair of new shoes for me each year."   2. 你喜欢这儿吗?   Do you like here?   3. Tim的眼镜掉到游泳池里面,Davia下水帮他捞起来.   Tim glasses had dropped into the pool, Davia get it for him.   4. 爷爷发烧住院了,我和哥哥下午去看他.   Grandpa is in the hospital because he got a fever, my brother and I are going to see him at noon.,家居风水财位布局与禁忌



渐渐的知道了,很多东西可遇而不可求,不属于自己的,何必拼了命去在乎。 谁拿英文翻译

  Gradually know, a lot of things can be met and can not be asked, do not belong to their own, why fight a life to care about.,客厅装修三大风水忌讳做梦英文翻译


  您好!   在雨间行走分不清是泪还是雨水   翻译为:Walking in the rain is not clear is the tears or rain   采纳我吧。谢谢你啦。、客厅沙发摆放风水有哪些禁忌
