

  在动物园看见了大象用英语怎么说_   最佳答案:see elephants in the zoo?


  基本释意  贵宾 guìbīn   (1) [honored guest;distinguished guest]∶地位显贵的宾客、今多指外宾   (2) [guest]∶对宾客的敬称   现多用“VIP”代指、“Very Important Person” 的简写 ——非常重要的人。,李居明讲解属龙


  Leo   ['li:əu]   n. 狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等)?[天文]狮子座、利奥(男子名)。李居明讲解百命歌

狮子的英文怎么写 5分



  She pronounced the name, as all the people did: Chat'ley.---Isn't Lady Chat'ley good to you!'---Connie couldn't help looking at the old woman's、李居明讲风水面相

用英文写复活节人们常常做什么?吃什么?心情怎么样? 5分

  Jesus crucified upon a cross, the third day Easter holiday was born. Easter Festival with religious origins to countries in Europe and the United States, Easter is a major holiday after Christmas. According to the "Bible Gospel According to Matthew" argument in the cross of Jesus Christ three days after the revival of torture, and thus the establishment of this section. According to the Western church tradition, the Spring equinox festival (March 21) or a full day to see the first month after the Spring equinox, the first encounter is Easter Sunday. Eastern Church provides that if one happens to appear in this first Sunday, Easter again postponed a week. Therefore, generally in a section between March 22 and April 25 . On the death of Jesus Christ, according to the Christian creed is to change the world of crime. Thus, in Christianity, Easter is of great significance. However, and Christmas, along with social progress, Easter religious overtones increasingly weak, as a folk festival features are becoming increasingly evident.?李居明讲龙发财


上帝,我是个好女孩, God, I'm a good girl. 采纳 ,李居明论丁火


  delusion; vain hope; wishful thinking; kink; deliria都有妄想的意思、具体得看在什么0752情况下使用了!,李居明论下元八运


  时尚时尚 “时尚”这个词现在已是很流行的了。英文为fashion。该词来源于拉丁文“facio or factio”?意思是“making or doing”(制造的或人为的)!是对一种外表行为模式的崇尚... 查看详情,李居明论丙火生于卯月梦到写英文


  so cool!李居明论乙木
