

  李宗盛   姓名:李宗盛   出生地:台湾   星座:巨蟹座   英文名:Jonathan Lee   生日:1958年7月19日   艺人简历:   1979年 就读新竹私立明新工业专科学校电机科时、与2名好友共同组成木吉他合唱团。   1980年 进入乐坛先是作为“木吉他合唱团”的成员加入宝丽金唱片公司、   出品《木吉他作品全集》。   1982年   金韵奖第3届歌手正式进入唱片界!   制作郑怡《小雨来的正是时候》(台湾百佳唱片第30名)。   1984年第1次做电影配乐〔在那河畔青草青〕   制作薛岳《摇滚舞台》专辑,(台湾百佳唱片第63名),   1985年还在“拍谱唱片”适逢滚石制作人吴政德推荐,为当时颇负盛名3416的潘越云写曲。就这样因缘机会签约于滚石唱片公司进入了滚石、与张艾嘉合演“最想念的季节”担任男主角!   3月!制作张爱嘉《忙与盲》(台湾百佳唱片第19名)、   1986年1月出版《生命中的精灵》,   制作潘越云《旧爱新欢》(台湾百佳唱片第31名)   演出电影《心锁》   1987年演出电影《天蹦地裂》后改名为《灵芝异形》   制作周华健首张个人专辑《心的方向》(台湾百佳唱片第96名)   1988年于台北举行婚礼主持警广电台节目《各说各话》主持华视电视节目《综艺第一线》   出任滚石副总经理职位,开始更直接参与唱片市场指导谋略   7月。制作潘越云《情字这条路》专辑,(台湾百佳唱片第29名)   1989年1月出版《李宗盛作品集》。   1990年李宗盛写了一首《我是一只小小鸟》给好友赵传   与其他制作人共同制作林7566强第一张专辑《向前走》(台湾百佳唱片第6名),并获金曲奖最佳演唱专辑制作人奖,   1991年《凡人歌》出笼   1992年主持中广电台节目“音乐人”   联手陈升!周世晖制作张艾嘉《爱的代价》(台湾百佳唱片第93名)专辑!   1993年10月出版《我们就是这样》。   1993年9月出版《希望》,   收入《如风往事》《希望》以及上述2曲的演奏版、   1994年李宗盛主持的中广电台节目“音乐人”获得第29届广播金钟奖“综艺节目奖”    1月18日起举行3场“我们都爱李宗盛”第1阶段暂别歌坛演唱会   2月14日举行“李宗盛十年回顾”第2阶段暂别歌坛演唱会   6月出版《李宗盛的音乐旅程不舍》   1994年2月李宗盛结束了他在台北的最后一场告别演唱会?开始了《不舍》的录制工作。    1996年1月出版《李宗盛超重量级大全集》   1997年12月出版《李宗盛24K黄金精选》   1999年1月出版《作品李宗盛》   1998年2月22日与林忆莲在加拿大结婚   李宗盛音乐创作年表   1982年   《如果你说》。《桂冠水饺》广告曲!《我和你》!《摇滚舞台》,《结6698束》   1985年   《艾嘉,爱家》,《不知道》,《亲爱的你好吗》、《恋爱告别》。《爱情有什么道理》,《忙与盲》   1986年   《锁上记忆》(为滚石写的第1首歌),《七点钟》、《飞》,《没有人知道》、《一个人》,《开场白》(第一张个人专辑的第一首个。小厨师牛肉4278面广告歌曲)!《寂寞难耐》(李氏歌词的发轫)、《你像个孩子似的》!《风柜来的人》(电影〔风柜来的人〕主题曲),《如果你要离去》,《生命中的精灵》、《小镇医生的爱情》(电影〔小镇医生的爱情〕主题曲) 《旧爱新欢》,《最爱》(写歌手法的阶段性改变!非常不像3729李氏以往的作品),《悲伤的语言......余下全文>>,


  一. 鼠--Rat   英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人、告密者,密探!破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生!下流女人!当看到smell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在9949做错某事,a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 ,rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求 安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。)   二. 牛--Ox   涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多!2358如“对牛弹琴”,“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox”的表 达方式则不多、用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短语The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上!   三. 虎--Tiger   指凶恶的人?虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌,中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。词组ride the tiger表示以非常不 确定或危险的方式生活!   四. 兔--Hare   在英国俚语中!hare指坐车不买票的人,与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人!start a hare,在讨论中提出枝2369节问题,例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次讨论你都提出与题无关的问题,英语中有许多关于兔的谚语,如:   1. First catch your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)、   2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)!   五. 龙--Dragon   龙在中国人民的心目中占有崇高的位置、有关龙的成语非常多、且含有褒义,如“龙跃凤鸣”、“龙骧虎步”等、在外国语言中、赞扬龙的词语非常之少,且含有贬义、如“dragon”指凶暴的人、严厉的人。凶恶严格的监护人。凶恶的老妇人等?以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义,如dragon’s teeth :相互争斗的根源;排列或多层的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障碍物、the old Dragon:魔鬼、   六. 蛇--Snake   指冷酷阴险的人!虚伪的人!卑鄙的人;美国俚语指追求和欺骗少女的男子或男阿飞。由 此看到,在英语中!“snake”往往含有贬义。如:   John’s behavior should him to be a snake.   约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人,   与snake组成的成语习语、谚语有许多,简举几例:   a snake in the grass.潜伏的敌人或危险。   to warm a snake in one’s bosom.养虎贻患、姑息坏人、Takd heed of the snake in the grass.草里防蛇。   七. 马--Horse   英美国家的人很喜欢马。因此、用“horse”这个词组成的词组!成语!谚语非常之多。此举几例:   1. get on the high horse.摆架子。目空一切、   2. work like a horse.辛苦的干活?   3. horse doctor.兽医、庸医!   4. dark horse.竞争中出人意料的获胜者。   如:The voters were surprised when the dark horse won the nomination.那个无名小卒在竞争中获胜时!投票者无不大吃一惊!   八. 羊--Sheep   英语中指害羞而......余下全文>>,阳台风水禁忌 注意通风朝向


  Chopsticks are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as the traditional eating utensils of Greater China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Generally believed to have originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of metal, bone, ivory, and various types of wood. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.   ========================   如何使用筷子   Chopsticks are used to eat most kinds of Chinese foods, with some exceptions. Some of the most important rules to remember when dining with chopsticks are as follows:   Hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the middle or the front third.   When you are not using your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tips to left.   Do not stick chopsticks into your food, especially not into rice. This is only done at funerals with rice that is put onto the altar.   Do not pass food directly from your set of chopsticks to another's. Again, this is a funeral tradition that involves the bones of a cremated body.   Do not spear food with your chopsticks.   Do not point with your chopsticks.   Do not wave your chopsticks around in the air or play with them.   Do not move plates or bowls around with your chopsticks.   To separate a piece of food in two, exert controlled pressure on the chopsticks while moving them apart from each other in order to tear the food. This takes some practice. With larger pieces of food such as tempura, it is also acceptable to pick up the entire piece with your chopsticks, and take a bite.   If you have already eaten with your chopsticks, use the opposite end to take food from a shared plate.。书桌风水摆放注意事项 摆放风水原则

食物相克 英语怎么说?有没有关于介绍这方面的网页?最好英文的

  食物相克 the counteraction of foods   楼主可以去这个介绍食物的英国网站看一下、很好的![,平衡情绪 衣帽间装修风水禁忌


  twelve year animals.   十二生肖。床头柜的摆放风水讲究 生活中的经验


  Aquarius     Aquarius spouses can make up for all that you lack initiative, as you expand the spheres of activity, he ( she ) will work with you to join hands together. As long as they can tolerate each other character differences, you will enjoy a fulfilling love, a happy marriage.     Aries     If the two Aries love and marriage, will never be boring and the long time. The eyes of other people quarrel, on the two of you when the thing is just the spice of life, playful romp. Two Aries personalities capable of generating complementary, so can contribute to a successful marriage.     The lion     You and Leo have carefully avoided each other 's privacy, respect each other the fiery character. Two people for each other is similar to delight, and will immediately with warm eyes show. You are the better part of me.     Sagittarius     If and the shooter's seat combination of enthusiasm, you will be like a volcano erupted. But the composition of the family need two people for a long time in the same place to stop, you can accept this point is a question. This is usually combined with cohabitation status maintenance, if this is a marriage preparation stage, also is a good way.     Generally paired constellation Aries     Pisces     If you combine with Pisces, will continue to make each other by stimulating. Even though you are able to meet each other's imagination, but the latent factors of instability, not for long. For Aries forward force, Pisces retraction force is more powerful.     Gemini     If the......余下全文>>。玄关吊顶有讲究 玄关风水宜忌

十二生肖的英文翻译是什么? 45分

  鼠:Rat 牛:Ox or cows 虎:tiger 兔:rabbit   龙:Dragons 蛇:snake 马:horse   羊:sheep 猴:monkey 鸡:chicken or cock 狗:工og 猪:pig or pork、儿童房装修 注意这些风水禁忌


  2014年-第150期:   今期买龙输尽光、无中生有从中取、年年有余透三一、欲钱请看沙无尽、!助你成功加薪 办公室风水


  Chinese knots中国结   Chinese Knots   Traditional Chinese decorative knots, also known as Chinese knots, are typical local arts of China. They are a distinctive and traditional Chinese folk handicraft woven separately from one piece of thread and named according to its shape and meaning. In Chinese, "knot" means reunion, friendliness, peace, warmth, marriage, love, etc. Chinese knots are often used to express good wishes, including happiness, prosperity, love and the absence of evil.   Chinese people have known how to tie knots using cords ever since they began learned how to attach animal pelts to their bodies to keep warm thousands of years ago. As civilization advanced, Chinese people used knots for more than just fastening and wrapping. Knots were also used to record events, while others had a purely ornamental function. In 1980, dedicated connoisseurs collected and arranged decorative yet practical knots passed down over centuries in China. After studying the structures of these knots, the devotees set about creating new variations and increasing the decorative value of knots. The exquisitely symmetrical knots that come in so many forms are as profound as the great cultural heritage of the Chinese people.   The Chinese knot is based on over a dozen basic knots named according to their distinctive shapes, usages, or origins. The Two-Coins Knot, for example, is shaped like two overlapping coins once used in ancient China. The Button Knot functions as a button, and the Reversed Swastika Knot was derived from the Buddhist symbol commonly seen on the streamers hanging down from the waistband of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy.   The knots are pulled tightly together and are sturdy enough to be used for binding or wrapping, making them very practical. Furthermore, the complicated structure of the Chinese knot allows all kinds of variations and enhances its decorative value. Almost all basic Chinese knots are symmetrical, which has set certain technical limitations on the design and creation of new patterns and themes. Symmetry is consistent with time-honored ornamental and aesthetic standards in China. Visually, the symmetrical designs are more easily accepted and appreciated by Chinese people.   Except for the Two-Coins Knot, the Chinese knot is three dimensional in structure. It comprises two planes tied together leaving a hollow center. Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall. The hollow center also allows for the addition of precious stones.   Crafting the Chinese knot is a three-step process which involves tying knots, tightening them and adding the finishing touches. Knot-tying methods are fixed, but the tightening can determine the degree of tension in a knot, the length of loops (ears) and the smoothness and orderliness of the lines. Thus, how well a Chinese knot has been tightened can demonstrate the skill and artistic merit of a knot artist. Finishing a knot means inlaying pearls or other precious stones, starching the knot into certain patterns, or adding any other final touches.   Since ancient times, the Chinese knot has adorned both the fixtures of palace halls and the daily implements of countryside households. The Chinese Macrame has also appeared in paintings, sculptures and other pieces of folk art. For instance, the Chinese Macrame was used to decorate chairs used by the emperor and empress, corners of sedans, edges of parasols, streamers attached to the waistbands of lady's dresses, as well as all manners of seals, mirrors, pouches, sachets, eyeglass cases, fans and Buddhist rosaries.   The endless variations and elegant patterns of the Chinese knot, as well as the multitude of different materials that can be used (cotton, flax, silk, nylon, leather and precious metals, such as gold and silver, to name a few) have expanded the functions and widened the applications of the Chinese knot. Jewelry, clothes, gift-wrapping and furniture can be accentuated with unique Chinese knot creations. Large Chinese knot wall hangings have the same decorative value as fine paintings or photographs, and are perfectly suitable for decorating a parlor or study.   The Chinese knot, with its classic elegance and ever-changing variations, is both practical and ornamental, fully reflecting the grace and depth of Chinese culture. 中国结   "中国结"全称为"中国传统装饰结",它是一种中华民族特有的手工编织工艺品,具有悠久的历史,"中国结"的起源可以追溯到上古时期,当时的绳结不仅是人们日常生活中的必备用具、同时还具有记载历史的重要功用!因而在人们的心目中是十分神圣的,很早以前人们就开始使1563用绳纹来装饰器物,为绳结注入了美学内涵!除了用于器物的装饰,绳结还被应用在人们的衣着!佩饰上!因此绳结也是中国古典服饰的重要组成部分,   唐宋时期(公元7~13世纪)是中国文化,艺术发展的重要时期。这一时期中国结被大量地运用于服饰和器物装饰中,呈明显的兴起之势?至明清时期(公元1368~1911年),"中国结"工艺的发展达到鼎盛阶段。在诸多日常生活用品上都能见到美丽的花结装饰,其样式繁多!配色考究!名称巧妙、令人目不暇接、由衷赞叹,   "中国结"的编制过程十分复杂费时!每个基本结均以一根绳6449从头至尾编制而成、并按照结的形状为其命名?最后再将不同的基本结加以组合!间配以饰物,便成为富含文化底蕴!表示美好祝福!形式精美华丽的工艺品、   悠久的历史和漫长的文化沉淀使"中国结"蕴涵了中华民族特有的文6236化精髓!它不仅是美的形式和巧的结构的展示!更是一种自然灵性与人文精神的表露、因此、对传统"中国结"工艺的继承和发展是极有意义的。  6511 年年有余:[!别墅风水 入门玄关风水摆设十二生肖的英文介绍

大神们,求助《傲慢与偏见》的故事内容的大体介绍,要较为具体,英文版。用于英语演讲3min. 要快!

  The story is based on Jane Austen's novel about five sisters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet - in Georgian England. Their lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in their neighborhood. Written by Marcy Gomez Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an english gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife. The Bennets 5 daughters; the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependant on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighbourhood of the rich gentleman Mr Bingley, who rents a large house so he can spend the summer in the country. Mr Bingley brings with him his sister and the dashing (and richer) but proud Mr Darcy. Love is soon in the air for one of the Bennet sisters, while another may have jumped to a hasty prejudgment. For the Bennet sisters many trials and tribulations stand between them and their happiness, including class, gossip and scandal. Written by Dom This tale of love and values unfolds in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century. The five Bennet sisters - including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia - have been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a husband. When a wealthy bachelor takes up residence in a nearby mansion, the Bennets are abuzz. Amongst the man's sophisticated circle of friends, surely there will be no shortage of suitors for the Bennet sisters. But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome and - it would seem - snobbish Mr. Darcy, the battle of the sexes is joined. Written by focus features In Georgian England, Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia with the purpose of getting married with a rich husband that can support the family. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hartfordshire will be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet dies. When the wealthy bachelor Mr. Bingley and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend the summer in a mansion nearby their property, the shy and beautiful Jane falls in love for Mr. Bingley, and Lizzie finds Mr. Darcy a snobbish and proud man, and she swears to loathe him forever. This is the beginning of their wonderful love story.?望子成龙 儿童房风水布局
