

  Hello ,everybody.My name's ***,I'm from ***.It's really a fantacy place,people there are very friendly and helpful.There're also some places of interests in my hometown,I love it and hope that you can visite it someday.I was graduated from ** School/University,it's also a nice school.I usually play ballgames in my spare time,and I think I'm good at basketball.My dream is to play a basketball game with my idol--Kobe one day. :) So,you see,I'm really an easygoing guy(如果是女的就说gal).That's all,thank you.   别忘了微笑...呵呵,


  要常见的还是不常见的。常见的话有许多、比如JACK,TOM,KEN等等、还有不常见的Ed艾德!Eli伊莱,Ziv日杰夫。Vic维克、Tab塔伯,Sid锡德、Nat纳特。Jo乔,书房风水摆件 这些都不可缺少


  Izzy 伊梓 Isa 伊萨 Zara 扎拉 Elin 艾琳 Trudy 楚蒂 Lena 莱纳 Doris 多丽丝 Gracy 格雷西 Karen 凯伦 Elie 艾丽 Una 尤娜 Janel 詹奈尔 耽asey 凯西 Dina 狄娜 Mara 马拉 Sadie 赛迪 Liv 丽芙 Lizzy 利兹 Cindy 辛迪 Vera 维拉 Daria 达莉亚 Lorna 洛娜 Lois 洛伊斯 Annis 安妮丝。科学的阳台风水布局 迎接好运势好未来


  你问的是生肖12个英文是   鼠:Rat、   牛:Ox、   虎:Tiger、   兔:Hare   龙:Dragon、   蛇:Snake!   马:Horse   羊:Sheep,   猴:Monkey、   鸡:Cock   狗:Dog。   猪:Boar,床头朝向风水禁忌 风水大有讲究


  1946年,年青的银行家安迪8894(蒂姆罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)被冤枉杀了他的妻子和其情人,这意味着他要在肖申克的监狱渡过余生? 银行家出身的安迪很快就在监狱里很吃得开!他懂得如9036何帮助狱卒逃税,懂得如何帮监狱长将他收到的非法收入“洗白”,很快。安迪就成为了狱长的私人助理、 一名小偷因盗窃入狱、他知道安迪妻子和她情人的死亡真相!兴奋的安迪找到了狱长,希望狱长能帮他翻案,虚伪的狱长表面上答应了安迪!暗中却派人杀死了小偷,只因他想安迪一直留在监2859狱帮他做帐? 安迪知道真相后!决定通过自己的救赎去获得自由。 还有详细一点的   记得采纳啊,风水知识 家庭装饰风水要注意什么


  Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.,常用家居风水知识讲解 增加安全感


  The Twelve Chinese Zodiacs   The twelve Chinese Zodiacs, including eleven animals in the nature and a national totem, play an important role in the Chinese traditional culture. The twelve symbolic animals have their own characteristics. In the Year of Dragon or the Year of Tiger, people will say shenglonghuohu—full of vim and vigor; in the Year of Horse, people will say madaochenggong—to gain an immediate success. In Chinese eyes, pig is a “treasure”. Ox is a symbol of diligence, which is well presented in the verse by Lu Xun一an outstanding writer in China, “head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children”.   十二生肖   十二生肖(the twelve Chinese Zodiacs)是中国传统文化的重要组成部分、它们源于自然界的11种动物和一个民族图腾(totem)!十二生肖代表动物的性格特点各不相同。到了龙年9733或虎年,人们常说“生龙活虎”!马年人们会说“马到成功”、猪在中国人的眼里是“宝”的意思。牛是勤劳(diligence )的象征。这一点在鲁迅的诗句“俯首甘为孺子牛”中有着完美的体现。,需要谨慎小心 吊顶家居装饰风水禁忌


  街头篮球的名言:一天不碰球 就一天没长进!这些记录算不了什么、任何记录总是被人超过!   -- 迈克尔·乔丹在球场上被羞辱过!有过失误并不是一件坏事,也不是什么耻辱!关键要在对抗中总结经验!去羞辱别人!我要做自己要做的人。就像艾弗森!I AM WHAT I AM 火不灭。心不死!永远不停止打篮球。衡量球技的高底不在于他多么会耍球。而在于他能否成功突破防守的人!好了!希望LZ能喜欢!随便便选个来激励你吧、You can play! So just do it. Because anything is possible!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻。居室风水要注意什么 打造更好风水的居室


  Remember the three “ respects” .Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior.、餐厅风水 助你增强食欲十二生肖英文简短介绍


  进行自我介绍。态度务必要自然。友善。亲切!随和,届时、应显得落落大方,笑容可掬、既不要小里小气。畏首畏尾!又不要虚张声势、轻浮夸张,矫揉造作!   在作自我介绍时,要充满信心和勇气!千万不要妄3497自菲薄?心怀怯意。临场发挥失常。在进行自我介绍时,一定要敢于正视对方的双眼、显得胸有成竹,不慌不忙。这样做、将有助于进行自我放松!并使对方对自己产生好感。   在自我介绍的过程之中。语气要自然!语速要正常。语音要清晰。这对自我介绍的成功将大有好处、一定要力戒语气生硬冷漠、语速过快或过慢!语音含糊不清,它们其实都是缺少经验。缺乏自信的表现?、客厅窗户风水禁忌 窗户上也有讲究
